Chapter 14

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That same day.
12:30 pm

Bey was laying on me and let me tell you when she kissed my stomach I felt butterflies, it was so soft and gentle.

I was rubbing her head while on my phone and she was lightly snoring she must be really tired.

About a hour into her sleeping I wanted to pee really bad I was holding it for the past 10 minutes, but I can't anymore.

"Bey get up." I tapped her back.

"Nooooo." She snuggles more into my stomach holding me tighter.

"If you don't want me to pee on you, I suggest you let me up so I can use the bathroom."

"Finnnne." She rolled over for me to get up.

"Thank you."

"Mhmm. Hurry up and come back your comfortable."

I went in the bathroom and pee. I was in here for about a minute then I hear knocking on the door.

"Nika hurry up please." She said sounding like a baby.

"Girl you better wait before I change my mind." I said pulling up my clothes and went to wash my hand.

I open the door and squealed when she picked me up and start to bring me to the bed.

"Bey remember your shoulder you can't be doing that."

"Don't tell me what to do." She murmured and went back to sleep.

So this is how I'm going to spend my day in the bed while she sleeps. I might as well go to sleep too.

3:30 pm

"Onika get up." I felt Beyoncé kissing around my neck. It felt so good I felt clit jumped. This girl is playing with fire and she don't even know. I would fuck her.

"Stop kissing on me and get up."

"I've been trying to wake you up for about 5 minutes so I started kissing on neck now your up." She said getting up.

"You could have done something else." I got up too rubbing my eyes.

"What's the fun in that." She looked at me. "Anyways I'm hungry can you cook something for me please." She smiled.

"Soso, shenseea, robin and Kellz is here you could have asked one of them to cook for you."

"I wanted you to do it though please." She made a sad face.

"One condition."


"Nope you have to agree."

"Fine, what is it?"

"I want you to help me study for my anatomy class and also don't try to kill us in practice next week."

"Okay no problem let's got." She got up and run out the room. I swear she a big ass kid.

When I got down stairs I went to the kitchen and took out the steak and potatoes out the fridge. I was going also cook Mac and cheese because she loves it and bake a cake for her. She loves to eat cake in the night.

I started cooking and half way through she robin came in the kitchen. "You're cooking for your girlfriend." She smirked.

"Yeah your mama, I'm about to bring her a plate."

"You know I'm talking about bey."

"She ain't my girlfriend, you know I don't like her like that . The most I'll even do is what to fuck her but being in a relationship that's pushing it." I could talk to her about anything and I know it won't leave this room.

"So you really don't got not feelings for her?" She looking at me like I'm lying."

"No I don't we cool and all but that's it. She's like another Bestfriend to me."

"Yeah alright."

"Alright blue face get out."

"Girl- I almost slapped you don't compare me to that nigga."

"Listen to what you just said you prove my point."

"Shut your little ass up." She said

"Shut your watermelon head ass up."

"Alright leprechaun"

"Alright roger." She gasped.

"Your cold as hell for that." She said walking away.

"That's what I thought." I said.

I finish up cooking and shared out beys food and take a water out the fridge and went to the living room and gave it to her.

"Thanks." she smiled and I went back for my food and went to the living room and everyone is looking at me.

"So where's our food?" Soso said.

"In the pot in the kitchen, y'all have two hand and two foot use them." I said.

"I should knock that food out your hand." Robin said and kissed her teeth and got up.

"Do it and watch how I stab you with this fork, try me if you want to." I said and look over at bey. "Beyoncé slow down before you choke."

"This food is fire as fuck." She said with her mouth full and I flick her lip and she looked at me so fast.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, before I hit you in it again." She swallow and start talking.

"Why you tryna be somebody's momma, don't hitting me I almost pimp slapped you giving me flashbacks and shit."

"Girl you wasn't gon do shit. Shut the fuck up and eat."

"You shut the fuck up talking to me like you crazy, girl you better ask somebody."

"Girl ain't nobody scared of you withchu little punk ass, so eat your damn food and shut up."

"I'm gonna shut because I want to finish eat not because you told me too."

"Yeah, yeah what fuck ever." I said and start eat.

"Y'all just out here cussing like y'all married."

"I would never marry her ass." I said.

"I take offense to that because I'm a catch and I'm fine as fuck, what the fuck do you mean by that?"

"Girl you're not my type."

"I know you like assholes and I'm not one of them I get it."

"I don't like assholes they pick me."

"But you take them, they sure know how to find your ass."

"And your you like girls in relationship with crazy boyfriends ain't that a bitch."

"I don't like your cosmo looking ass."

"Okay and I don't like your ass either." I rolled my eyes. "That's why your ass built like a juice box."

"And your ass built like a liner back."

"Yo ass built like a tellie tubbie." Everybody was laughing.

"That was cold nik." Robin said.

"Y'all mind your business over there looking like ed, ed and eddy." I said looking at her, soso and laur and then look at Shen and Michelle and said "and y'all look like dumb and dumber."

"Onika you hurt my feelings." Bey said.

"Boo hoo go cry in a corner be gone bitch." I said.

"Wow that's how you treat your girlfriend?" Beyoncé.

"Baby you're not my girlfriend your delusional you need help."


Sorry for the mistakes

Hope everyone is okay

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