Chapter 11

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2 Weeks after
At her house

"Kimberly, I'm really trying to be nice stop calling my phone." Can she just leave me alone like damn.

"Bey im really sorry I should-" I cut her off.

"Yeah the first thing you should have stated was that your married, I almost got killed by your fucking husband." I said harshly.

"I'm sorry I really am I'll leave him for y-"

"Don't even finish that fucking sentence, I blocked you about ten times about stop calling my fucking phone before I get a restraining order on you." I couldn't believe I really liked this girl and was about to ask her if she wanted to be serious.

"Beyoncé I-" I hanged up I really did want to hear sorry one more time.

I was in my home office drinking and watching show. I know my ass shouldn't be drinking and taking pain meds but I can't help it.

I heard my office door open "bey-, what the fuck" solo came in.

"I just really needed a drink solo and I'm sorry for doing something dumb like this. I'm really not up for the argument." I said and sigh.

"What's up big sis?"

"Am I hard to love?"

"No. Why would you think that?"

"It's just every time I like or love somebody they fuck me over. I use to be so loving and romantic. Then I met some fucked up girls that broke my heart numerous times."

"They just weren't ready for you or the type of love that you had to give. They were immature as hell and probably broken but that don't give them a right to do what they did."

"Well they broke me too in the process of it." I chuckled. "They sure did a good job at hurting me and had me looking like a fool."

"Well that was there lost because I know for a fact that when you find that girl for you, you're gonna give her everything you possibly can and she's going so the same for you. Just don't give up on love and don't go search for it in the wrong place." She said and came over and hug me.

I felt so much better just talking to my sister. I really love her.

"I love you solo cup."

"I love you too satellite." I pushed her off me.

"You just had to ruin the moment." I said getting up and going to the door only to see Onika standing holding her nose and wiping her eyes.

"First of all why the fuck is you crying, and secondly of all you know this is invasion of privacy." I said.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

"You we're just listening to me and my sisters conversation."

"Sorry not sorry, I couldn't give two fucks about y'all conversation. I was falling asleep and the phone fell on my nose it hurts like a bitch." I bust out laughing.

"At your big age that's happening, put down the phone and just go to sleep stupid"

"Shut the fuck up. I didn't ask you for your commentary so, mind your business."

"Your in my house so you are my business." I say licking my lips looking at her up and down.

"I glad you licked your lips I was about to tell you they looked crusty." She said laughing and I kissed my teeth.

"Fuck you onika." I said walking back in the office.

"I know you would love that." I should would.

"Girl ain't nobody want to fuck you, your more manly than me and I have the dick."

"That's why I can pull more bitches than you."

"See you just be talking out your ass. Who the fuck gonna let a 5ft leprechaun boss them around bye."

"I'm 5'3 put some fucking respect on that 3 nigga and as for your ex I made her my bitch, I know you done taste how delicious I am."

"That extra 3 must be lost in your ass and I wouldn't mind tasting you for myself."

"If you don't get your thirsty wanna be player ass from imma hit you in the nose so you feel how I feel." I just laughed and stepped out her way.

I went to my room and got my phone to see who texted me and I had few texts.



hey baby are you okay?

Me: yes mama I'm good, I'm coming by later.

Long head Kellz 🧍‍♀️:

fuck you stupid. That's why mama Tina said your adopted.

: I said what I said go cry in a corner stupid bitch.

Soso Chihuahua (Lauren)🐩:

tell your fucking sister to play with her daddy and stop fucking playing with me fo' I hurt her ass. I'll bust the windows out her car.

: okay jazmine Sullivan

Onigga my nigglet ❤️:

tell solo to talk to Lauren I'm really just tryna stay far from both of them. Them bitch is crazy.

Me:Lauren just texted me talking bout some bust the windows out her car.

:lawd mama done drop her on her head when she was small.

Me: 😂 both they ass need help remember solo almost burn the house down with both of them.

: I was in the house when all this shit was happen. I had to talk to solo and took her out the house.

Me: them bitches need therapy.

:tell me about it.

I put down my phone and went in my bathroom looking at my mirror. I'm one fine mutherfucka. I need to get my sit together mentally though I have commitment and trust issues.

I washed my face and made my way down stairs to the kitchen

"Hey small dick." Shenseea said.

A girl can catch a break in her house damn man. I'm starting to think that they don't have a home because ain't no way you so should be at someone's house this much.

"You know what you wanna see it? Because I really want you to shut the fuck up."

"Ain't nothing there to see."


I dropped my sweats and looked at her.

"BEYONCÉ-" onika said and stop when she came in the kitchen and scream and cover her eye and Shenseea was still looking. I pulled up my pants with one hand.

I can't wait to get this cast off tomorrow.

"I told you that your sister know and you should ask but I guess you didn't."

"Girl bye I bet you can't fuck."

"Whatever wouldn't you like to know. I wouldn't even fuck you if I were drunk."

"The lie's you tell." She said.

"Girl you're not my type so don't get ahead of yourself now. Anyways sorry about Onika, what's up?"

"I was coming to ask you if you want me or soso to come with you to the doctor tomorrow?"

"I want you to come." She said alright and went out the kitchen."

I saw Shenseea looking at me and licking her lips.

"I was just about to tell you that your lips looked crusty but I guess you felt it." I said taking up my water and walked out the kitchen.


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