Chapter VI

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Sunghoon's POV

I was hiding from people whilst waiting for him to get out of his class. When Sunoo got out, people were chattering about him. Some, even intentionally speaking louder for them to be heard. I got angry at them, also at myself.

I saw his face, clearly stressed out by the situation. He ran, finding hiding spots which eventually led him to the bathroom. I followed him, looking out for any people who would dare to follow him.

He peeked out, trying to see if anybody followed him. I took the chance to grab him, getting him out of the school campus through the back entrance. He was alarmed at first, trying to free himself but I held my grip on him.

"Yah Park Sunghoon! Stop this!" He was teary-eyed. I immediately let go of him.

"I-I'm sorry, I was worried about you. I didn't know people would make such a fuss about us." I explained.

He sighed "It's fine, just never do this again. This little 'game' you're playing. I'm not willing to play with you." My heart sank, realizing what I'd actually done. Not again, not again...

He walked away and I couldn't go after him after what he just said.

I didn't get to keep my promise to you.

I went home in a foul mood, ignoring the calls of the three. I needed rest, sleep. I quickly fell asleep, not realizing I was so tired. I haven't had that many nightmares ever since I met Sunoo, but they came back. The nightmare was so vivid...

"Sunghoon, please forgive me..."

"It was my fault, I-I should be the one asking for forgiveness. Please don't leave, please..." I cried out, half-asleep.

Morning came and I had to set things right. To not regret anything again. I met with Heeseung and Jay first thing in the morning. "I need help from both of you as student leaders."


Sunoo's POV

I dreaded coming to school. I explained yesterday to Jungwon and Ni-ki what happened yesterday, from when I went into my classroom to Sunghoon apologizing at the end of the day. I didn't include the part why Sunghoon offered to walk me, and when he heard what I said about him the other day. The one where I boasted about Sunghoon being interested in me.

"Tsk, how could they say that about you?! How about I expose something about them too!" Jungwon furiously said.

I reassured him "It's fine Jungwon, it didn't really affect me that much. I'm fine, really." I forced a smile.

"But still, it annoys me. I'm getting back at them!" Ni-ki aggressively said.

"If we stoop down to their level, then we aren't any better." I calmly said to them both. "Speaking of, why did Sunghoon even offer to walk you?" Jungwon curiously asked. I added the part where I got kinda mad at Sunghoon for using me for his entertainment, which is not a lie. It's just missing parts of the truth.

"Let's just go to school, the three of us" All of us nodded.

When we arrived, we saw the student council president, Lee Heeseung, and the student council vice president, Park Jay. They looked like they were announcing something. Park Sunghoon is also with them, holding a speakerphone. Why was he with them?

"We have noticed behavioral issues among the student body. Spreading rumors about certain individuals." Lee Heeseung declared. "This can be considered as defamation, a serious offense that has serious consequences when violated." Park Jay added,

"Whoever spreads rumors concerning me or any other student here, be prepared for a harsh punishment." Sunghoon coldly said.

"That is all." The three declared in unison, leaving everyone terrified.

That ought to teach them a lesson.

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