Ch. 2: Switched and Bewildered

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Sunlight streams into the room, and Doyoung groans as she regains consciousness. And slowly, she becomes aware of her surroundings.

"What... happened?" she thinks as her eyes adjust to the light and she soon finds herself in a hospital room. "I'm not... dead? Moreover, I'm in a hospital? Did someone help me?"

She looks around, assessing her surroundings while still in a daze. But as soon as she comes to do her eyes widen as she realizes something.

"Wait... WHAT AM I DOING IN A PRIVATE ROOM?!" she basically screams inside her head as she quickly sits up in shock.

She turns her head wildly, looking around the room and wondering how she ended up there until something else catches her eye.

Doyoung freezes, her eyes widening, and for a second she stays still, trying to make sense with what she could have just seen. When she couldn't, she slowly reaches for her hair, pulling some strands to her side as she turns her gaze very hesitantly towards it. She sees it, and immediately, she screams, quickly letting go of her hair at the same time.

Her long, straight hair, that had once been black, suddenly had turned into a shiny, deep purple.

"H-how–" She starts to panic more openly, and with her hands over her mouth, she squirms in the hospital bed, standing up and trying to get out until she notices the IV fluid connected to her arm.

Immediately, she stops, but just as she does, she suddenly gets a splitting headache.

Doyoung shouts in pain as she falls back onto the bed, placing her hand on her head as the pain intensifies. And as it reaches its peak...

A memory seems to play in her head.

One where...

She sees herself in a car, heading somewhere and seated in the back seat while someone familiar drove infront.

Out of nowhere, a lightning strikes right infront of the car, and the driver immediately stops the car, sending her flying and bumping her head onto the headrest of the seat before her.

The impact didn't hurt her much, but suddenly, a bolt of electricity seemed to go through her, pulling at her soul and tearing it, until...

She falls unconscious in the back of the car...

Doyoung's eyes widen at the sudden memory.

What's even weirder is that she doesn't remember that ever happening to her. She lost consciousness because she was struck by lightning at a sidewalk!

And the memory isn't even hers. In fact, the person who lost consciousness in that memory seemed like...


"Doyoung!" Suddenly, a young man slams the door open to the room, surprising the woman whose eyes widen before she turns to him. He looks familiar, but she doesn't really know who he is.

Her brows furrow at him, but before she could even make out who he is, he suddenly runs to her, hugging her tight.

"Now, what the–"

"Oh, thank goodness, you're alright!" he says before he pulls away, giving her a once-over. "What happened, anyway? And why are you alone? Where's your manager?"

All his questions overwhelm Doyoung, and her eyes remain wide in shock as she pushes him away.

The young man yelps as he is pushed, and his eyes widen, but he doesn't even question it as he quickly stands straight while facing her. "Right. Almost forgot! No hugs!" he says, as if it was some sort of protocol he was supposed to follow around her.

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