Ch. 16: Me To You

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"... D-Doyoung?"

Minho's eyes widen once he realizes who it is that he just happened to run into on this surprisingly rainy night.

Though, him meeting Doyoung would prove to be even more surprising, since he's actually been trying to avoid her all this time, too.

Guilt had been eating him up recently, that he began overworking himself again, training harder at the company, and spending more time working at the convenience store he works at, just so he could try to feel better about what just happened.

Of course, none of that worked, and he eventually realized that the only way he could get over his guilt was to meet with Doyoung and apologize properly again... something he had been unable to do, since he eventually realized that he didn't even have her number.

Fortunately, he just so happened to run into her tonight on his way home. And well, what do you know? It seems even Doyoung herself is surprised to see him again after quite some time.

"... Hey," the idol greets him with a small wave and an awkward smile, and the awkwardness actually seems to reach out to Minho, making him feel just that as he looks at the idol sat infront of him.

He looks away a second later, not at all moving from where he stood, and definitely not knowing what to do.

Well, here's his chance to apologize... But how exactly is he supposed to start?

"You should sit down," Doyoung suddenly speaks up, and Minho looks back up at her again to see her patting down on the space beside her. She smiles softly upon meeting his eyes, albeit the awkwardness that still remains before she moves away a little. "... I'll move away if you feel awkward."

"Uh... thanks," Minho replies, before walking over to the spot Doyoung had offered and taking his seat.

The rain takes over the silence eventually, as Minho tries to settle in his seat, and then he glances towards the idol beside him to see her watching the rain, a calm look on her face and her eyes reflecting the light from the few buildings around them. Despite all that, however, something about her feels melancholic... especially today. It makes the trainee curious enough to break the silence and ask.

"Did something... happen today? Now that I think about it, it's strange that you're outside by yourself with nothing to cover your face or hide your identity."

Doyoung doesn't respond in time, as she just keeping her eyes on the rain before she lets out a deep sigh.

Minho follows when the young idol still doesn't give a reply after several seconds. His eyes soon land back on her, and then on her arms and shoulders, shaking with the cold.

Fortunately, he just so happened to be wearing a hoodie that day.

Without a word, he takes off his jacket, and then he places it atop Doyoung's shoulders, fixing it a little before he moves back a bit and looks at her softly.

It was the first Doyoung had ever seen that look on him, and it surprises her as she looks back at him with wide eyes. "Why is he... he looks so nice all of a sudden."

"You were shaking, so I thought you might need it," Minho speaks eventually, before he looks away, pulling Doyoung out of the trance that she had fallen into.

"O-oh... but wouldn't you feel cold?"

"I'm fine, really. I've been running for quite a while before this, anyway."

"But you'll catch a cold because of the sudden temperature change."


"Hmm?" Doyoung's brows rise when the young man suddenly speaks her name, but he still doesn't meet her eyes as he continues speaking.

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