Ch. 3: Difficult Persuasion

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"Minho, wait!... Wait!"

Minho doesn't pay attention at all as he just walks away from Doyoung, having felt his all his anger just pouring back in again after seeing her. He sure didn't want to see her again. And he definitely didn't want to see her at a time when he should be trying to calm himself down. And yet, Doyoung continues running after him as if he had something she wanted to have.


"Ugh, what is it with you?!" Minho yells out loud as he finally turns to the female idol. His face clearly shows all his anger, and that definitely does a good job intimidating the young woman.

Doyoung freezes for a second as she looks up at Minho, seeing his scary side yet again. The last time she saw that was the day she got fired from Guide Entertainment... but in this world, he is the one who got fired. And Doyoung knew she had to keep that in mind. "W-well..."

"What?" Minho asks, trying to stay intimidating as he stands tall and folds his arms, even raising his brow as he looks down on the female idol. He had wanted to do this. He had wanted to do this so badly ever since the woman before him caused him to lose a job. It puzzles him why he never did that, but that doesn't matter now, does it? "Why are you calling my name, huh? What is so important that you, out of all people decided to come here personally to see me, huh?" he asks, not letting the steam in his head die down even by just a bit. He wanted to let Doyoung know just how mad he is at her. And he wanted to make sure he was actually doing it at the moment.

And yet, Doyoung felt two sides of her fighting inside of her. The woman felt deeply conflicted, indeed. In reality, she was the one who suffered, she was the one who got fired from her job, and she was the one who was left all alone after having lost something yet again. She knew that all too well, but this world played differently. Now, she is the one who bullied, hurt, and insulted the idol who did all that to her in her world. And as much as she wanted to yell at Minho, too, she knew it wouldn't make much sense if she did that. Doyoung had to watch and hold in her emotions.

Eventually, the young woman looks down as if asking for forgiveness. "Minho, I'm... sorry..."

"Well, you should be," the young man responds rudely. He doesn't even pay much attention to the woman before him as he continues rambling on about all that had happened to his life. "Do you know how much I've suffered? Do you even know just how much I suffered? I suffered even more because of you! You and your bratty presence that was always so self-righteous and narcissistic! You really think you're above everyone else, don't you?"

"Keep it in... just keep it in..." Doyoung kept thinking to herself as she listened to all those words. They were true, though. That's exactly how she viewed Minho in the original world.

"Well, maybe if you were in my place, you would know, wouldn't you?!" Minho continues, his anger seemingly growing with every word coming out of his mouth. "I lost my parents, I had to fend for myself, and yet, I still thought I actually had the chance to debut as an idol! That was my dream! And you took it all away all because what? I spilled some coffee on your shirt? Are you really serious?!"

"... But I suffered, too..." Doyoung thought to herself as she started to lose to her emotions. "I suffered, too, so why am I the one being guilted here?"

"Well, I don't care what you were going through that day, but you sure have some selfish way of thinking! And now look at what you've done to me!"

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