Ch. 28: Guests, Friends, Strangers

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Well, last night was something.

If Minho were to describe it, one would perhaps expect him to say something like "exhilarating", "new", "a good kind of rush", anything like that! But if we were being honest, as of now, Minho would definitely describe it as-

"Utterly stupid."

Those words were what the rookie idol muttered under his breath as he reviewed last night's events in his head while waiting for the radio show to start.

But then again, what else was to be expected? He just finally managed to debut but is being held back because of scandals and criticisms, the dating rumors are still out and rampant, and (at least in Minho's eyes) there's mo possibility that Doyoung might ever even look at him that way.

So frankly, why should he?

At the same time, there are definitely other things he should be busying himself with at the moment. For example, his first radio show guesting which he was apparently also going to be on with a senior idol of his. Not that he knew who it was yet. If anything, he might just find out now.


Minho's eyes widen upon hearing that voice. Well, he might have heard something about the idol coming from Guide Entertainment (frankly speaking, he even had his hopes up for a few specific people) but the one who came, well...

"... Oh, Hyunjin... You're the other guest today?"

Hyunjin's eyes widen at the sight of him, too, but soon, they light up, and he lets out a delighted laugh before approaching the rookie idol like he were an old friend. "Haha! Thank goodness! I haven't done a radio show in a while and was scared I'd have to do it someone I barely know. Turns out it was just you!" A hand lands on Minho's shoulder, then another on his other shoulder before Minho finds himself face to face with this rather hyper idol. "Let's make this guesting fun, shall we?"

It turns out Hyunjin is just as friendly as he seemed the first time they met, too. Just... a bit more energetic than Minho would allow for someone he's not so close to. To accidentally offend someone he knows is close to Doyoung, however, would be a mistake he's not willing to make.

And so, as much as he isn't so fond of the interaction, he just forces a smile on his face as he greets Hyunjin back. "Yeah... let's."


"I heard Hwang Hyunjin recently went on a radio show with Minho. You think it'll go well? Especially considering, well... that Minho used to be under Guide?" Jinkyung asked the other members of Melodine as they have their breakfast at their dorms. Well, most of them anyway. Nayeon, on the other hand, is busy getting prepared in her room at the moment after telling the younger members that she had already eaten earlier.

"I'm sure it'll be fine. Both of them are mature adults as far as I've seen, after all," Soodam replies as she takes the plate of eggs in the middle and pulls one onto her plate. "By the way, are you guys sure you've seen Nayeon eat this morning? We have a packed schedule today after all, and if we somehow miss lunch because of it, she might end up not having enough energy to complete the day."

No response comes immediately. In fact, of anything, an awkward silence falls upon the atmosphere yet again. The younger members clearly seem hesitant about speaking up, and Kyungjoo seems to not have any intention of replying either as she just continues eating.

Still, Soodam makes sure to hit her exact target as she continues. "Kyungjoo. You woke up first. Have you seen Nayeon eating breakfast earlier?"

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