Ch. 15: Familiarity at its Worst

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It had been... almost two years since Doyoung had lost her parents.

Still, despite the amount of time it had been since that happened, Doyoung missed them a lot, with no difference at all since the day she realized she had lost them.

Her parents had always been proud and supportive of her. They cheered her on and helped her in pursuing her dreams, despite the fact that they weren't always financially stable. And besides Nayeon, they were the only ones who have always brought her up when she felt down. There were definitely many reasons why Doyoung loved them, and it pained her knowing that their lives were cut short despite how kind they were.

But then this life-switch incident happened, which had definitely changed some events in her life and Minho's. And in hopes that maybe her parents had never died in this world, and that she could see them again, Doyoung was more than excited to go attend the family dinner that she was invited to.

Though, of course, she couldn't have been aware of what exactly she was getting into by accepting the invitation. She had expected to go to the house where her (or rather Minho's) parents lived in, and then meet them in an embrace since it would have been so long since she last saw them...

Only for her to be met with an ice cold air from the man which she would recognize was supposed to be Minho's father, the CEO of a well-known company in South Korea.

Doyoung can't help but stiffen as she tries to eat, but every bite she takes feels like it's stabbing her throat. Even more so when the old man finally speaks, and he does so with a tone as cold and sharp like an icicle, aimed straight at Doyoung's neck.

"So... you still don't want to back out of this... idol nonsense you've been working on, don't you?"

This man was, clearly, not at all supportive of her dreams. He did look like her father... but his personality was just so much more different than what Doyoung knew.

"Doyoung," the man speaks, but the young idol can barely bring herself to reply, frozen by the man's tone. "When are you going to quit?"

"I told you. I'm not quitting."

"... Hmm?" Doyoung blinks when she suddenly hears those words in her head, coming out in Minho's voice, and she keeps her eyes on her plate as she continues hearing his voice speak, as if from a memory that she never really had but should.

"No matter what you say or do, you're not gonna make me quit. Aren't you tired of always inviting me over just to say the same thing all over again?"

"Don't you dare disrespect me–"

"I'm leaving. And don't ever expect me to come again if you're gonna be calling me just to tell me stuff like this."

That was definitely Minho's memory, Doyoung realizes; and as she looks back at the man sat across from her...

The man's image seems to change from her father... to his.

Minho's father always kept a good image to the public, just as well as Minho had maintained his own. Doyoung had never suspected that he was like this, but then again... the apple never really falls too far from the tree, does it?

"Doyoung, talk to me when I am speaking to you!"

The young idol snaps back to the present, and she looks at the man infront of her again to see her own father with the attitude of Minho's father. He no longer feels familiar at all, and it scares her for a moment as she lowers her gaze towards her plate. "... I'm not quitting."

Her father hisses, and Doyoung bites her lip as she prepares to be yelled at. "Do you seriously not want to take responsibility for the company WHEN I DIE?!"

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