Ch. 25: Dreams and Tears

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"Everyone, get in your places! The show's about to start!"

The day of Minho's debut finally came. After so many rushed preparations and complications resulting from his sudden publicity, the day had finally arrived, and yet, everyone is still rushing.

Minho, however, isn't doing that so much, since all he has to do now is wait for the cue for him to go onstage while everyone prepares the setup. Sitting still so as not to mess up his hair and clothes, he looks down at the ground while his hands grip his mic tightly.

Outside, the sound of people busy talking take over the entire venue due to how loud it is. And as his stage gets nearer, someone eventually approaches Minho and tells him to step up closer to the stage.

A quick glance towards the audience lets him see a familiar face.

Nayeon smiles and jumps upon their eyes meeting, all while holding a banner with his name and face on it, and Minho's face immediately brightens at the sight of his number one supporter.

"Alright," he thinks to himself as he finally breathes out his nervousness. "Yeah, I think I can do this."

Meanwhile, in another venue not so far from the one for Minho's debut showcase, Hyunjin waits backstage, getting ready for his comeback showcase when he suddenly hears a familiar voice from behind him.


"Doyoung!" Hyunjin gasps with delight at the sight of his friend, before he runs to her and takes her up in a hug, earning a shocked look from his stylist who had just made sure that his clothes wouldn't have wrinkles before he got on stage.

Not that the stylist was noticed at all.

"You came!" Hyunjin exclaimed with a wide smile as he pulled away from the hug, and Doyoung replied with just as much enthusiasm.

"Yeah, of course, I would! Where else would I have gone to if it weren't here?"

"I mean, who knows? Maybe you could run off to attend Minho's debut showcase inste- ah-ah-ah!" Hyunjin is cut off by Doyoung suddenly gripping his arm tightly, before she speaks in a low tone without moving her lips.

"There are people watching, Hyunjin... Don't make my situation worse, I beg you."

"Right, right," Hyunjin replies with a nervous smile, before Doyoung finally lets go of him.

At this point, the stylist looks like she's about to faint due to the wrinkles Doyoung's actions had caused on Hyunjin's sleeve.

And then Hyunjin looks behind his friend. "By the way, Nayeon isn't with you?"

"Look who's talking after teasing me with my alleged boyfriend," Doyoung teases him back, and Hyunjin's eyes widen before he feels his cheeks heating up.

"O-oh, come on! It isn't like that! I was just curious because I thought you'd invite her since the both of you are friends now!"

"Nope. I couldn't. She's closer to Minho so of course she'd prioritize him over me. That's why she's at his debut showcase now."

"O-oh... Is that it?" Hyunjin's smile falters at the words he just heard. But a quick split-second later, he brings his smile back to his face as he tries to hide that he's bothered. "Anyway! The show's starting soon so you should probably go get a seat!"

"Yeah, yeah," Doyoung replies as she pats Hyunjin's shoulder and then goes to leave the backstage. "Don't disappoint me Hyunjin," she then shouts to him, silently mocking the vice CEO of Guide, and a laugh escapes Hyunjin before he quickly contains it.

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