Ch. 6: An Old Friend

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"Five... six, seven, eight!"

Music plays from the speakers, echoing off the walls of the practice room as the five girls of Guide Ent's up and coming girl group, Melodine, danced along infront of the mirror, singing every now and then as well as they learned the dance together.

At front and center, Nayeon led the group with a smile on her face and her voice filling the room with music and encouragements for her members.

"That's great! You're doing great guys! Now, the kick!"

Simultaneously, all girls exclaim a strong but precise "hah!" as they made the move, and, if anyone were watching this, they would be able to see just how perfectly the girls worked well together.

Finally, the song ends, and as it does, the girls drop to the ground, exhausted.

"We did great, guys!" Kyungjoo, the group's leader tells her members as they all tried to catch their breaths.

Soodam raises a thumbs-up sign in response, to which the rest of the girls laugh to despite their heavy breathing.

Then a phone starts ringing.

"Oh? Whose phone is that?" Jinkyung asks, raising her head a little to turn towards the sound.

"Nayeon?" Kyungjoo turns to the mentioned girl.

"Oh? That's mine?" Nayeon asks, to which the group's leader laughs and hits her playfully.

"Yes, you dumbo. Now go get it. Who knows, it could be from that boyfriend of yours."

Playful sounds erupt from the girls and a blush creeps up Nayeon's face as she sits up.

"Hey, it's really not like that guys. He's just... a good friend of mine."

"What kind of friend exactly?" Sora asks playfully, to which Nayeon responds by hitting her playfully before she goes to her bag to pick up the call.

And just like everyone in the room expected, who else could be calling other than Nayeon's old friend, Lee Minho? Well, at least, her good friend in this world.

"Oppa!" With a cheerful tone, Nayeon greeted the young man on the other side of the call. And as she did, all the other girls' ears perked up before they positioned themselves to listen better to their conversation. "Oh, I've been good. We just finished practice... Mm, thanks... O-oh, really?... Wait... Wait, really?! Are you for real?!" Out of nowehere, Nayeon starts jumping, startling the other girls but also causing them to become even more curious. "That's... That's great, oppa! That's amazing! How did you–" But a second later, however, and Nayeon's excited state seems to diminish. Strangely enough, even her tone seems to change. "O-oh... is that so?" she asks, sounding a little forced as she feigned happiness in her voice. "Is she?... Mm. I'm glad..." For a moment, silence, and then Nayeon's energy seems to spike up again. "Oh, of course! S-so, when will we be able to meet again now tha you're... Oh, you'll call? O-okay! Bye, oppa! And congratulations on becoming a trainee!"

The call ends, and as Nayeon turns to the other members of her group, they all look towards her expectantly in return.

"So? Was it who we predicted it to be?" Soodam asks.

"What did he call about? I couldn't catch it because of how many times your mood shifted," Sora comments.

And Jinkyung follows with the last word she caught from Nayeon's end of the conversation. "So did Minho actually become a trainee now?"

"Yes! He did!" Nayeon responds to Jinkyung, before she starts jumping again. And in response, almost all the girls quickly sit up.

"Oh, really?! What company?" Sora asks.

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