Ch. 19: New Problems Arising

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"... Well, this is awkward."

That's all that comes out of Hyunjin's mouth, after he suddenly finds himself sitting on the floor of Melodine's practice room, right next to Nayeon who seems just as awkward as the idol who found her.

"... Yeah, I guess it is. Sorry for getting you caught up in this," she mumbles as she shifts her gaze away from Hyunjin, her legs hugged close to her chest.

"Oh, don't worry too much about it!" Hyunjin quickly replies, a nervous smile forming on his face as he turns to Nayeon, before he speaks with a much softer tone. "I'm... actually kinda glad I found you."

To that, Nayeon's eyes widen, before she suddenly feels a heat rising up to her cheeks and she quickly buries her face in her knees. And then Hyunjin realizes what he might have just caused.

"I-I mean– N-not like that! I just meant I'm glad I found you now before anything could get worse. I-I mean– You– H-how are you feeling now?" Hyunjin's face is completely hot by the time he finishes rambling, too.

Much to his and Nayeon's horror, however, it only causes more awkwardness. And silence falls over the atmosphere once again, before Nayeon slowly lifts her face and turns to the young man beside her.

She remains quiet for a moment, hesitating, before she eventually replies. "I feel better now, I guess." A smile forms on her face as she replies, and that, for some reason, makes Hyunjin pause as he looks at her.

"U-uh, c-cool! T-that's great to hear!" he quickly replies with almost exaggerated enthusiasm which surprises Nayeon, making her look at him with wide eyes yet again. "I-I mean... D-do you wanna go find a more comfortable place to talk or something?... Maybe we could go to the cafeteria for some coffee...?"

"... Hmm?"

"A-as friends, I mean."

It's strange, for Hyunjin. For someone who's been in way too many dating rumors in the past, it has never really crossed his mind that he could ever find himself attracted to an idol...

Well, he may not realize it now, but as he looks at Nayeon, waiting for her response, just something about her sparkling eyes and pure smile draws him in, making him wish he could spend a bit more time with her.

"Oh... sure!"

"Ah..." Hyunjin thinks to himself as he watches Nayeon's smile get brighter, "No wonder Doyoung cares about her so much... She's such an angel."


"FreshTea is launching new flavors of their Jelly Tea, mango-strawberry and mango-apple, and as a popular idol with a reputational love for mangoes, we would love to work with you to promote our product!"

The businessman continues explaining, his tone all sugary as he tries his best to capture Doyoung's attention as she sits across from the presentation screen. Not that she's not paying any attention at all. In fact, she's actually focused... except for the fact that she didn't expect that part of her life switch would include her love for mangoes being something "reputational" about her.

"... Seriously? Unless Minho's into them, too, but even so... I don't think I've ever heard anyone talking about the things he likes..." Doyoung thinks to herself as her thoughts start to wander.

Meanwhile, beside her, Miyeon sits, listening to the businessman's deal intently while the CEO of Guide sits not too far away from them as well.

"Can you see the vision? Sponsored by FreshTea, and you'll be having our refreshing drinks at all the events you attend! And if you're still in doubt, well, let me tell you, I already have a samp–"

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