Ch. 14: For The Sake of Keeping Distance

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"I hope you don't mind me asking, but what's your relationship with Nayeon again, and how do you know her?" Minho got straight to the point this time, when he asked Doyoung after they had made it to the rooftop.

He already knows at this point that beating around the bush won't really do anything since Doyoung might either not understand, or she might even oretend not to just so she can avoid the question.

Her surprised reaction was very much expected by the trainee when it shows. But then she blinks, and then she turns away from Minho. "Oh... Sorry, I know you guys are close. Does it... bother you if I try to befriend Nayeon?"

This isn't doing much either, Minho thinks, and so he decides to ask another question in a more direct way.

"Doyoung. Just what exactly do you plan to do after getting close with Nayeon? Is there some sort of ulterior motive you're planning out here, because if so, then I really don't like how you're using Nayeon–"

"But I'm not." Doyoung suddenly cuts her off, and this time, Minho is the one who's surprised, as he looks at her with wide eyes.


And then the idol looks up at him with a sharp gaze, which softens in the next second before she looks away again. "You wouldn't... understand."

Once again, Minho is left with barely answers. Doyoung has been really confusing since the time she began to day she wanted to help him. And as much as he's thankful for everything she's done, there were just so many things that were suspicious about her, too.

"What do you mean, I wouldn't understand? Just tell me what it is, because it's pissing me off that you're being weird!"

"You wouldn't understand because it's not about you or Nayeon! It's about me!" Doyoung snaps, yelling at the trainee whose eyes widen at her sudden retaliation.

There she was again, bringing out her anger on him. But this time, it would be his fault, since he pushed her too much.

"It's my fault, alright? I know! It's my fault Melodine couldn't debut two years ago like they were promised, it's my fault you got kicked out of Guide, it's my fault and I've been trying to fix it all, but I just don't get why everything keeps getting harder the more I try!" Doyoung sobs, and it was then that Minho noticed how red and teary her eyes and face have become again.

"Oh..." he can't help but think to himself as he looks at her. "Oh, no... I made her cry again." And he looks away guiltily, suddenly not knowing what to say again this time.

Well... it's not like he can just comfort her again, can he? He really did mess up this time, suspecting her of conspiracy when maybe it really was just her guilt all this time.


"I get tired, too, you know?" Doyoung suddenly confesses, keeping her head down as her tears trickle down her face. "Just because I debuted already doesn't mean you can just throw all your anger on me. I'm still... human..."

"Human..." Minho repeats in his head as he watches the young woman. "Ah... But, of course."

"I'm sorry," he finally says, and he actually means it this time, as he also keeps his head down. "I promise I'll try to maintain my temper this time."

Doyoung doesn't say anything in response, this time. Keeping quiet as the wind began to blow colder around them.

"I deserve it," Minho thinks to himself when he realizes that she really won't say anything, "Of course, she shouldn't have to speak to me."


"She's been crying a lot more lately. I'm gonna be honest, but I'm really starting to think that it would have been better if she just stayed hot-tempered instead of how she is now... She won't even tell me what's wrong half the time!"

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