Ch. 13: Why She's Here

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"Nayeon! Are you ready?" Kyungjoo asks as she turns her head towards the younger member who had just finished getting her make-up done.

"Coming!" Nayeon replies after the make-up artist finishes, running towards her members who have huddled together near the edge of the backstage area.

"Gosh, I'm so nervous!" Sora then says as she shakes her hands, while Soodam places her hands on the girl'd shoulders to comfort her.

"Relax! We've practiced a lot for this moment. We'll surely know what to do!"

"Oh my gosh! Look at how many people have come!" Jinkyung then exclaims, tilting her head as far as she can to look at the audience, filled with enthusiastic fans who have come to witness their debut showcase.

The sound of the music playing at the stage and the fans chattering loudly are doing much, making the girls' hearts pound with a nervousness not like anything they've felt before. Plus the knowledge that even some of their seniors would be watching. But as much pressure as all that puts on them, their excitement couldn't be beaten, as they all smile at each other, huddled up as they get ready to go on stage.

This is it. This is their debut.

And they're about to let the world know who they are for the very first time.

"Presenting Melodine's Album Track 1: 'A Song For You'."

Long time no see
My friend
Was it like this on the day we last met?
Cold air
Cold stares
And it feels like you're just barely there

The audience falls silent as the atmosphere turns calm with the serene sound of the music and the graceful steps of the girls as they dance on stage. Yet, despite their silence, all of them smile as they sway to the music.

Among the audience, Doyoung sits near the front, watching them with a proud smile on her face.

I'm sorry
Did it hurt?
I know I promised I'd be back by noon
It's a busy life
I've got little time
But you know me enough to know it's all a lie
But I

Jinkyung glides to the front of the formation with a soft smile on her face that almost instantly charms the audience, and as she hears their gasps, her smile widens as she sings.

I have wishes
And I promise that they're all about you
I could write them down
Just so you know

And as they reach the chorus, Nayeon takes the center position as she imitates a writing motion while the other girls form a butterfly formation around her.

(Nayeon, All)
Here's a song for you
And my heart to let you see just how much
(Kyungjoo, All)
I still trust you
I hope you're fine
Hope you're fine
(Jinkyung, All)
Papers turning blue
From the sadness that's in your eyes
It's okay if you want to cry
I promise I'll be here for a while

A piano interlude plays before they get to the second verse, and as they do, Doyoung feels a presence appear beside her, and she turns to see Hyunjin, just as the latter takes his seat beside her.

"You made it," Doyoung greets him in a whisper, smiling as she leans towards him while still keeping her eyes on Melodine as they begin singing the second verse.

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