Ch. 4: Promise to Me

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"Oppa! How have you been?!"

It's been a while. Well, probably not so much. But it definitely felt that way for the two unlikely friends who were finally able to see each other again since Minho was kicked out of Guide Entertainment.

Well, in this world, Minho clearly wasn't a former member of the Melodine line-up. Previously, he was just a trainee set to debut as a solo artist; but since the "unreleased solo track incident" plus his personal issues, his debut was eventually postponed, then cancelled. Which eventually led to him being a former trainee of the company.

Doyoung, however, was still a former member of the Melodine line-up. But what happened to her was, well... the "unreleased solo track incident".

Apparently, Melodine was originally planned to debut last year, and back then, Nayeon wasn't even a member yet. And yet, even while it was still early, Doyoung already had a solo track recorded and waiting for its release which was originally planned for three months after Melodine's debut. Originally. One thing led to another and somehow, Doyoung's solo track was leaked to the public, suddenly trending and even getting her a lot of fans internationally before her debut. Eventually, her company decided that she would be "popular enough on her own" and getting her in a group would "only hinder her popularity", and so she had gone solo. What was meant to be Melodine's debut became her own solo debut. And what was once Melodine's main dancer and lead vocalist was soon replaced by the bubbly trainee, Kwon Nayeon.

Minho was apparently meant to debut shortly after Melodine, but it seems the company saw Doyoung fit enough to be their only solo artist debut that year.

Now going back to the present...

Minho smiles as he turns to see Nayeon approaching the seats infront of the convenience store. As usual, the girl is full of energy and all smiles, and her personality just shines even brighter seemingly just by the sight of her most favorite person. "Nayeon! I've been good, actually? And you?"

Nayeon lightly punches Minho's arm before frowning. "Don't lie to me! I'm not that bad at reading you, you know?"

The young man laughs nervously as he rubs his arm on the spot in which Nayeon punched him. "Yeah, yeah. 'Course, you can," he then proceeds to say, his tone sounding a bit teasing as he speaks.

Eventually, the two take their seats at a table. And yet another conversation is begun as Minho begins to speak.

"So, how's your practice going? Have you started filming for your debut yet?" Minho asks, anticipation shining in his eyes as he asks.

Nayeon then nods in response, her eyes shining in excitement at the thought. "Well... not really filming, but the shoots for our concept photos are underway. We took the first set today, and the next set will be for tomorrow."

"That's great news!" Minho replies, smiling proudly at the girl's news. "You're finally taking your first real steps to your debut! I'm happy for you!" Nayeon giggles as the young man ruffles her hair, however, her smiles fades a little a second later.

Honestly speaking, she, of course, couldn't help but be bothered. By this whole situation, that is. Here she is talking about her near debut, and to a friend who's lost almost all chances to debut, too. She knows she should be happy, too. He is for her, but...

"Oppa," Nayeon catches Minho's attention while gently grabbing his wrist and lowering his hand. A clueless look rests on Minho's face while Nayeon smiles softly at him. "Don't worry too much, okay? I'll do my best, and if- No, when I succeed, I'll definitely help you debut as an idol!"

Minho's eyes widen at her words. Of course, it's never a surprise for the girl to be worrying about him, but for her to say such a promise! He only smiles even more proudly this time at Nayeon. "Make sure you actually succeed first," he tells her teasingly, causing the girl to whine and pout at his words.

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