Ch. 7: A Song For You

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Featuring my amateur song-writing skills hehe


"... Nayeon? Hey... Nayeon, are you there?"

"Hmm? Yeah?" Snapping out of her thoughts, the girl turns to Minho with her brows raised. And the latter looks back at her with furrowed brows.

"Are you okay? You've spaced out quite a lot today. Is your upcoming debut stressing you out too much?" Minho asks with concern, but Nayeon shakes her head with a smile.

"Oh, it's nothing, oppa. I'm probably just really excited that I'm daydreaming about being on stage too much already!"

Fortunately for Nayeon, it seems that Minho believed that quickly. Because he soon chuckles before ruffling her hair, causing the girl to giggle.

"Hey. Don't forget me when you get famous. Buy me food when you get a lot of money," Minho tells her playfully, and Nayeon responds just as teasingly.

"You, too, oppa! After all, you're already back to being a stable trainee."

"Of course, I'll have to have a set debut date first."

"Yeah, yeah."

Nayeon laughs, before the two continue sipping on their drinks while sitting in the cafeteria of Bluebird Entertainment.

To be frank, Nayeon actually is troubled by something. And though not by the actual event, but rather by the thought of it.

The strange event from a few nights ago is still vivid in her memory. Nayeon knows for a fact that that was the only time she ever actually spent time with Doyoung, and yet, somehow, the whole event felt strangely familiar. Like she was having coffee with an old friend she hasn't met in such a long time.

"Weird," she thought as she mulled over the memory. "Why did it feel like that, really?"




Meanwhile, Doyoung remains at Guide Entertainment, already busy preparing for her next comeback. The studio she sat in was rather quiet, but that was mostly because she was alone, trying to think up an idea to write a song that would hopefully land in her next album.

"Ugh, if I had known that I would end up switching lives with Minho, I would have practiced writing songs with his concept," Doyoung complained, holding her head between her hands and tapping her pencil onto her hair.

Of course, it was going to be a struggle for her, trying to write. After all, quite some time ago, she had expected to debut in Melodine, thus she trained herself continuously to write songs in accordance to their mellow, girly concept. But now here she was, in Minho's shoes, literally, which meant she had to write songs in accordance to his concept.

Though that wasn't entirely necessary, but Doyoung was determined to have some sort of contribution in the title track.

"Think... stylish. Think stylish," Doyoung chanted over and over again, her head still hovering over the empty notebook page infront of her. "Come on, Doyoung. You've got to think of something, at least?"

Minho's concept was definitely something completely different from what Doyoung had trained herself to write for. While Melodine's concept meant she had to be sweet and innocent with her lyrics, Minho's concept meant she had to be more bold, confident, and determined to do anything her heart desired...

"That's it!" A lightbulb goes off in Doyoung's head, and as the line had formed, soon, other words began to follow as she began writing on her notebook.

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