Ch. 1: She's Unfortunate

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"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry!"

Doyoung quickly steps back, but nothing she'll do now can do anything about the coffee she had spilt on the young man infront of her.

He even seems irritated by it.

"Agh..." Minho mutters as he shakes his hands dry from the spilt coffee as he looks at the majority of it now staining his shirt. "Seriously-"

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to spill it!" Doyoung immediately says as she bows deeply infront of him, hoping, just hoping, that this won't actually get her fired from this job. Her other two jobs wouldn't be enough to sustain her needs, so she has to hold onto this one no matter what.

But Minho doesn't seem to want to let her hold onto it. He's already way too angry with the mess the girl had done to his clothes. "What a klutz," he mutters as he turns his gaze towards the girl infront of him. "Look what you did! You think your apology is actually gonna do something? I didn't even bring an extra shirt today."

"I'm really sorry. I'll buy you a new shirt! I-"

"Forget it!" the male suddenly says, cutting Doyoung off and taking her aback. "I'll just go home again and get changed," he mumbles to himself before looking back at the girl. "And as for you?" A scoff escapes him before he sneers at her. "They should really just fire you already to prevent something like this from happening again."

Doyoung's eyes widen, and she freezes in fear as the male idol before her turns around and walks away, leaving her there in the building hallway as the people in witness mumble about her either in pity or in judgement.

Once Minho had gone, the girl lets out a deep sigh before getting on her knees and picking up the cups of coffee that had fell to the floor after being spilled. She was meant to bring it to the vice CEO's office, but now, not only did she spill the coffee on an important idol of the company, but she also doesn't have any coffee to bring for the vice CEO anymore.

Surely, she wouldn't be able to keep her job anymore.

Doyoung heads over to the vice CEO's office to try and apologize and maybe save herself from being fired, but on her way there, she suddenly finds herself stopping as she passes by a practice room.

Looking inside, she instantly recognizes the soon-to-debut girl group, and a small smile forms on her face as she sees the trainees working hard. Soon, of course, they wouldn't be just trainees anymore.

Then Doyoung's smile fades as she sees someone in the group.

Doyoung was a trainee. Well, technically, she still is a trainee under the company she now works as an errand girl for, Guide Entertainment, and she had even been in the line-up for this new girl group. But things once took quite a turn in her life. Once both her parents passed away, she was left on her own, and with no other relatives to take care of her, she had to take up different jobs to support herself. And she was so busy with these jobs, she couldn't even concentrate on her trainee life anymore.

She ended up dropping fast in the monthly evaluations, then at one such point, she was removed from the  line-up.

Barely anyone in the company even remembers that she's still a trainee. Mostly probably because they never see her training and rather just always see her on errands for the employees, staff, and idols, if not on either one of her other two jobs. Not that they're at fault, however. Doyoung doesn't even have that much time to train or practice anymore. And ever since she lost her parents and was removed from the line-up, she's almost lost the will to do so.

She turns away just as the girl she was looking at turns to her, then continues walking away. That girl had been her replacement. Doyoung is happy with it, however. The new member is quite talented and funny, even. She'd make a much better member than she ever would. At least, that's what she thought.

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