Chapter 20 [Bonus]

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Double update! Love me yet?
This takes place one day before the dinner party. 

Happy Reading!

Bonus Chapter 20

Zachary sat behind his desk, looking outside the big glass window with a single malt whiskey in one hand and a cigar in the other. He wasn't much of a cigar smoker but he had an inkling that he might need that nicotine to last through the night. 

He was deep in thoughts, his Pack needed a new strategy and fast. To show his greatness as an Alpha of such a fierce and intense Pack had its demerits. Zola's pack was second after his and the unity of the two would prove to be a major milestone.

Zachary did believe that she had a right to understand all of her options before choosing one but he wished she would decide quickly.

It was not only himself that he felt growing weaker but as of now, his dominating position as Alpha Zachary was at stake too. 

He could almost hear his Father's barking laughter ringing in his ears. If he did not step-up right now, his critiques would be there, pointing at him, the loser and the family disgrace. Zachary reckoned his father would have told him to let her go, she was not a wolf and humans born into werewolf families were disgusting; almost as much as his mutt son.

There was a sharp knock on the door of his study followed by another. Zachary resigned from his thoughts and without glancing away from his view, sternly said, "come in Gertrude."

The door opened and shut before he could utter another word.

"Sir, I wish you would pardon my intrusion but I believe I had to speak up. It is definitely not my place to say but isn't a party ri-right now a little bit wrong? Ms. Aris is not yet used to us and throwing her into such things would be aw-awkward?" The housekeeper stuttered, her head bowing towards her Alpha.

Gertrude was a strong woman, old woman but with his infamous reputation as the Alpha beheader, Zachary almost wondered how she had not fainted yet.

"Yes, but we do not have a lot of time. Just get her ready and bring her down tomorrow, you need not worry yourself over this." Zachary responded as he gulped down his drink.

"Of course, Sir." Gertrude answered and walked away.

"I need to do something, but what? What? What? What?" Zachary mumbled to himself as soon as he was all alone, "I can't force her, obviously. There must be a way. Think, goddamit!"

A nice calmness fell over the room. Zachary exhaled the smoke from his cigar slowly and burnt it out on the crystal ashtray when he heard it.

"You are in no place to handle such a big responsibility." A gruff, harsh man spoke.

Zachary swivelled on his chair and came face-to-face with the man who had always haunted his dreams.

"Why do you keep coming back? You are dead! Dead!" The distressed Alpha screamed as he got up from his chair.

The sharp black suit, salt and pepper hair and the same devilish green eyes as his, as if he was re-incarnated.

"You are just a boy, a little kid who has been handed all this power." He got up from his seat on the couch and walked towards the liquor cabinet, pouring himself a drink. "Congratulations on stuffing up the one thing that mattered and now you are going to take thousands of people with you when you drown."

"You are just a figment of my imagination, your opinion doesn't matter." Zachary choked out.

When he reached out for his glass of whiskey, Zachary noticed his hands shaking violently yet he drained the glass before setting it down roughly.
"Alcohol doesn't solve anything, trust me, I have tried." His Father quipped.

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" Zachary shrieked and hurled the now empty glass at him.

"I am a figment of your imagination, you can't get rid of me. You will never get rid of me!" He yelled back at him.

Zachary unbuttoned his shirt from the top and slid to the floor with his hands buried in his hair. He inhaled and counted to three. At that moment he knew what he had to do, he can't be his Father, he cannot fail. He can't let him have the last laugh.

After calming himself down more, Zachary picked up his cell phone and called that one person who would help him with this- Ian.

"Yes, Alpha?" The voice spoke from the other end, nonchalantly.

"I need you to do something." Zachary barked into the phone.

"Of course, anything for you, Alpha." Said Ian, his voice void of any emotion.

"I need you to take Zola."

"WHAT!" He almost shrieked into the phone. The detached voice suddenly perked up with curiosity.

"Could you not f*cking yell?" Zachary hissed back at the idiot on call and continued,"you are to tell her about how I planned the rogue attack, convince her to run away with you then take her to Fairwell County. I have a cottage there, she'll be safe. It is of absolute importance that you do not forget this next part..." he lowered his decibel to just a murmur and uttered the statement that would change his life forever.

"I want you to make Zola fall in love." He breathed out, his words hurting himself yet he had to do it.

"With whom, Alpha?" The curious and gullible Ian asked.

"With you. Make her fall in love with you."

With that the Alpha became silent, all Ian could hear was his heartbeat that echoed in his ears.

Maybe if he had tried to listen closely, he would have heard the quiet sobs of a broken man.


There is a reason this has happened, I will reveal more as the story follows and trust me, it will be good!

Let me know what your ideas are regarding this, comment or personal message (I prefer the latter but it is up to you). The person who gets it right will get a dedication, a character named after them and a super major spoiler that will blow minds. I mean it!

Next chapter might be up pretty soon. Get typing y'all!

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-Love, A.

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