Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

I had a way then losing it all on my own.

I had a heart then but the queen has been overthrown,

And I'm not sleeping now, the dark is too hard to beat.

And I'm not keeping now the strength I need to push me.

You show the lights that stop me turn to stone,

You shine it when I'm alone.

And so I tell myself that I'll be strong,

And dreaming when they're gone

-Lights; Ellie Goulding.

Zola whipped her head back, her eyes searching for the man in the mask. She could hear the distant clambering of footsteps but she could not see anyone behind her any more. 

'Maybe she had outrun him.'

That cannot be right. Considering the man's build, he had to have been a wolf and a strong one too for that matter.
Wiping the tears from her face, Zola sprinted in a different direction. She had to throw him off if she wanted to have a chance at life away from Richard.

The streets were alienated and she felt as if the world was out to get her. 

Zola's legs moved  at a pace of their own, her hair flew wildly around her face and she had a sheen of sweat covering her. A small alley on the left caught her eye and relief spread over her like warm butter. She could easily hide out there, it would be better than running around aimlessly and end up in the trunk of Richard's car. A huge dumpster sat in the narrow path and Zola all but flew towards it to take cover. Her eyes were glued to the entrance now, not acknowledging the fact that she was sweaty, restless and tired. 

When Zola had made a mad dash towards the car, she could still hear Zachary fighting. Swarms of people were slowly starting to gather to watch a common brawl. 

But she knew it was so much more than that, much more.

The chance of someone's death was increasing with every minute that she hid.

'Like a coward.' 

Zola had made up her mind. This was it, she never was the person who hid from a good fight, so what changed?

That's when it hit her.

She had changed. 

Unlike her parents or the numerous testimonies from the mated wolves in her Pack, Zola did not find a part of her when she met Zachary. In fact, she lost something much more; her integrity.

Like the girls she would earlier mock, Zola was now a mewling quim who loved being rescued by her Mate. 

The sound of cars gradually increased on the road, she sat on the cemented floor realizing what a grave mistake she had made. Why did she run away from her family? And why did she not contact her family when she had a chance?

Her mind was spinning but she felt a surge of confidence wash over her. Zola knew what she had to do, it was a plan that would surely set things straight and end the stupidity that had lately clouded her mind.

She got up from her place on the ground and wiped her hands on her jeans. 

For the first time in months, Zola felt like herself.

She walked out of the alley and peeked, trying to find the burly man. Zola bit her lip nervously and began jogging back towards the way she came. Her eyes constantly darted back and forth, her jog turned into a run. 
Soon, Zola found herself right where it happened. 

There was a large crowd gathered around the diner this time as Zola stopped in her tracks. Some chanted'fight' while some of them were gladly cheering them on. Pushing through the crowd, she knocked many cell phones down and kicked people's feet in frustration. 
Finally, she stumbled into the inner circle and saw a bloody Richard lying on the floor, glaring up at Zachary; who stood there with clenched knuckles and a torn t-shirt. 

Richard wiped the blood from his nose and pounced on Zachary who seemed ready for the attack. He pounded his fist in his face and straddled Richard, beating him to an almost pulp.

"This one will kill him. The other one never stood a chance." Zola heard someone beside her mutter.

She stood there, stunned and shocked. How on Earth have they not morphed yet?

Moreover, where in the f*ck were Richard's minions?

The door of the diner chimed and the same waitress who served Zola walked out with an empty plate in hand, looking pissed.

"Oye!" She screamed, "I've warned you two before, take it elsewhere or I'm calling the cops!" 
However, her threats were met with deaf ears.

Annoyed, she whipped out a cell phone and began rambling on it. Zola knew she had alerted the authorities and realized that now was the time to do something. 

Before she could move however, Zola saw Richard's right arm become hairy and sharp claws protruding. 

He was going to change, in front of everyone. 

Panicking, Zola threw people out of her way and walked towards the waitress. She snatched the plate out of her hand and zoomed towards Richard, swinging it on his head with all her might.

Richard did not move for a minute. Blood began dripping from the side of his head as he staggered and turned around to look at his assaulter. as his eyes landed on Zola, he pulled his lips back and snarled at her with his sharp, wolf teeth. He stepped towards her, ready to attack when Zachary knocked Richard on the same spot. He crumbled in front of her eyes and Zachary stared at her with dead black eyes. 

Everything seemed to pause for a minute as Richard laid passed out on the pavement. The crowd grew achingly silent and the sound of sirens grew louder. 

Zola jumped over Richard's body and grabbed Zachary's hand. The tingles spread through her like warm honey.

"Let's go!" She pulled him along as the crowd parted for them.

As the sirens came alarmingly close, the two broke into a run.

The black Audi came into Zola's sight once more and a part of her became relieved. They sprinted across the road and Zachary rushed towards her side, opening her door.

Zola waited for a minute staring at the man in front of her. She smirked, even though she was more nervous than ever. Slowly she backed Zachary to the car, his eyes doubtful and inquisitive. It was time to get her plan into motion, swallow the anxiety and defy what Fate had decided; to finally live on her own terms.

She leaned in, her hands firmly pressed on his strong shoulders for balance as she tip-toed closer to his ear, whispering, "if you leave me in a f*cking jungle next time, I will hunt you down and make you pay, baby."

With that Zola weaved her hands through his hair and pushed his face closer, gently brushing her lips on his.

Right there on the side of a pavement, Zola had her first kiss with her mate.


Sorry it took so long. I had a major writer's block with this chapter. 

Next one's going to be a bit more Rated R.

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