Chapter 15

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Its a wee bit late. Sorry! Enjoy amigos. :3
Chapter dedicated to ck92593! :D She is an amazing person and sends me such delightful messages. Thank you! :)
Picture on the side is Zola's Grandma :)-

Chapter 15

How can I decide what's right?
When you're clouding up my mind
I can't win your losing fight
All the time

No can I ever own what's mine
When you're always taking sides
But you won't take away my pride
No, not this time,
Not this time.

-Paramore ,Decode.

"He's a big boy, you know. Zachary survived without me and I am sure he will still be able to. There is no point of feeding that loon anyways." I mumbled, swinging my legs as I sat on the kitchen counter. 

"Alpha Zachary is your mate, Zola! Do not talk about him like that!" Grandma scolded me as she slid the stuffed chicken into the oven. 

"Whatever, Grandma. That boy is crazy and you know it too!" I rolled my eyes and slumped in my seat and began chewing gum rather loudly.

"Don't you roll your eyes at me young lady. I don't know how things used to go around here without me but I will not tolerate this nonsense. Your mate is the Alpha of such a powerful Pack and look at you, sitting here like this." She mumbled then continued, "Its like you don't even care about his Pack and all this." She gestured towards me in distaste and began to stir the gravy. 

I couldn't help but feel hurt by her words. What on Earth was she implying by saying this? 

"I am not just 'sitting here like this', Grandma. He is too closed off, arrogant, mean and-and annoying!" I waved my arms around crazily and continued, "He needs to sort his sh*t out, I couldn't even stalk his Facebook profile! You know why?" I mumbled and got off the counter. My eyes fixated on my Grandmother.

"Because he doesn't have one!" I hissed and crossed my arms. 

"Zola, honey? Don't speak so loudly." Mum added with a fake light titter.

I brushed it off and gave death glares to Grandma, who was smirking at my mother with this evil glint in her eyes. I frowned at the pair of them, feeling irked by these accusations and her constant bickering. I knew I over-reacted but the same doubt I always had lingered in my mind. Now the fact that another person thought so too,it only fueled my anger.

"He is so weird. I mean that guy needs to calm the heck down! I can't even stalk his profiles. No Facebook and no twitter or anything! It is so freaking insane." I mumbled a little loudly.

"Honey, I really think you should..." Mum started but I cut her off with a glare.

"And what about Kate? Huh?" I quirked, "She's always just there! I mean an hour ago he told me that he will 'kill her' and how she is b*tch. But then god knows what happened that Ms.Kate suddenly stays! This is such bullsh*t, I tell you." 

"Mind your language young lady!" Grandma scolded and shuffled a few things around the kitchen.

"Zola, please, lower your tone." Mum pleaded, her eyes wide and a grim smile on her face that made me frown.

What the hell?

"Yes, but he did say that he is taking you with him. That is absolutely fantastic!" Grandma squealed like a kid and squeezed me in a hug.

"I'd prefer to die, thank you very much." I murmured and slumped against her.

"Prepare the salad, will you?" Mum gently asked softly from somewhere behind me. A beautiful dainty smile graced her face as she looked at me expectantly. 

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