Chapter 17

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I really do like the song that I posted along, it practically defines Zachary/Zola relationship. I realize its longer but if you read the entire thing then it relates really well with this as well as the coming chapters. Like a sneak-peak.  I am picking the pace up of this book as well. The faster I get votes, the faster I updaaate! Anywho, how about an update goal? Not too high. Just a meek 30? Anything over that is kindly welcomed ;)

Dedicated to- bareexcuses! Such an amazing reader and a huge Rico fan xD Thank you Mrinalini.

Chapter 17

Pull me down if you want to
and I hope that you want to
Cause I want to be your man
And I wanna say it loud
You can show me where trouble goes
Tell me secrets only trouble knows
Cause you wanna be my girl
And you wanna say it loud

I want you to know that I've got your back
Even when the whole foundation seems cracked
Two punk kids up against the world
Ya trouble, there goes trouble
We could be king and queen of the moonlight
Two young lovers
and when the moods right
you hear me say 'I want you'

-Pull Me Down by Mikky Ekko.

The cool of evening came softly forward. Many little birds twittered their goodbyes, save the swallows who were still sweeping the air with their scissor-like wings. The light, now unburdened from the boldest rays of sun had softened the shapes of distant things, and hung quietly in the sky like an airy wine. All the land is tinged to a pale rose color but the couple seated in the sleek car ere oblivious to all this.

Zola glowered at the man sitting next to her. Her mind reeling with the recent acquired information, she wasn't the perfect example for a mate but neither was he. 

Although, she was sure that having a kid with someone else even though you know that somewhere out there you have mate, wasn't what the wolfy gods thought to be appropriate.

Not a word was uttered since the message was read, Zachary had already launched into explaining how 'it isn't what it looks like' and how 'he had never meant it to happen'. Zola had long ago blanked his voice out, only concentrating on the problem at hand. That didn't mean that her heart hurt any less, nor could she blank out the pain her heart felt, which made it difficult for her to breathe normally.

By the time Zachary had reached to his 'it was a mistake' part of the apology Zola had enough of his bullsh*t. 

As quick short breaths escaped her lips, she was positive she was bordering hysteria. Zola spoke a distinct "Stop the car" and made sure that her voice didn't wobble.

Her mate cocked his head to the side, a panic in his voice. Panic in his eyes.

"I SAID STOP!" The girl hollered in the tensed car, irked even more now that her mate didn't stop the car on her first request.

Immediately complying to her demand, Zachary slowed his-their car and stopped by the edge of the road.

Before the car could completely halt Zola was out of there like the wind but unlike her previous behaviour; she didn't run away. Instead stood by the side and gulped deep breaths of fresh pure forest air.

She let a few tears escape, all this was too much for her. Hell! It would have been overwhelming for anyone with a mate.

Zachary shut the car door with a bang, dreading the conversation that would soon take place. He swore he had never meant this to happen but explaining this to Zola would definitely be a task. His previous flamboyant ways finally catching up to him.

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