Chapter 14 [Bonus]

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This one is a little back in time! You'll understand it once you reach the mid. :) This chapter gives some major clues! It is the little spark that creates the fire. Enjoy amigos! :3

Dedicated to Sammy! She's my sister from another mister and is hands down, awesome! Thank youu. 

*Important A/N in the end, I beg you to please read it.*

Chapter 14

The deafening roar of the car echoed could be heard from the driveway. Ian clutched his injured palm tighter, feeling more and more agitated as the seconds passed by. The distant noise of footsteps filtered all around him. He breathed out, trying to calm his nerves down and not be so jumpy when his Alpha arrived.

The door of his room was pushed open roughly. Ian stared ahead as his Alpha strolled inside, his figure was intimidating him and the air around crackled with power. He bowed his head as a gesture of respect. Zachary, however, didn't spare a glance at him before he took a seat on the massive brown chair. 

"I've summoned you today for a reason. Zola wanted to talk to you before she left but didn't have the time, I'll call her. Talk to her right now. And keep the phone call on speaker mode." Zachary ordered watching Ian's each movement like a hawk. The tone he spoke was extremely detached and emotionless, much more than it normally was but this time he couldn't help it. It was hard enough to see Zola leave his territory while he just stood there but now there was also the problem of Richard that Zachary had to get rid of.

"Of course Alpha.' Ian mumbled lowly, too scared to actually question his authority.

Zachary stiffly nodded his head and whipped out his phone, her number was on speed dial anyways. 

Ian watched carefully, his gaze not once wavering from Zachary's face. The way his Alpha behaved frightened him to no end, Alpha Zachary was terrifying. There was no second thoughts there, However, ever since Zola left, his mood spiralled down again. If that was even possible anymore. He didn't know if he should confront his Alpha about the whole mate thing and the fact that he now knew this little secret too. But his wolf respected Zachary too much to question him about such personal matters.

Ian picked up the sound of ringing in the background, his own heart thumping out of control. He decided it would best to leave Alpha to talk to his mate and he would politely tune out of the conversation. 

Zachary waited impatiently, his wolf wanting to hear his mate's voice one more time. He had this over-whelming feeling of hurling his phone at the nearest wall, not minding that he had payed thousands of dollars for it. 

Soon enough, his call was answered by Zola. Her rambling began even before he uttered a single syllable, not that Zachary would complain anyways. 

Ian sat still, looking anywhere but his Alpha. The way he seemed to hung on Zola's every word only made him feel like he didn't belong there. Sure, he wanted to talk to Zola but not with his Alpha in attendance. One single mishap and he would be screwed. No questions asked.

The soft chuckle of Zachary pulled Ian away from his train of thoughts. His Alpha seemed so happy, gleeful. Quite unlike how he reacted to all the other girls he had ever seen or perhaps been with. Zachary thrust his phone forwards suddenly, looking at his Pack member fixedly. Ian cleared his throat and brought the phone close to his ear. 

"Hey Zola!" Ian said in an overtly cheery voice.

Zachary resisted the urge to face palm himself or better yet, strangle Ian. The way he spoke was so fake. Anyone with a brain cell or two would be able to understand that there was something fishy going on. 

"Tell her it was you! My name should not be thrown into this!" Zachary ordered through the Pack link. 

Ian mumbled so incoherent words, often stumbling over it. Zachary wanted nothing more that to kill that b*stard and take the phone away so that he could peacefully listen to his little mate's rambles. He longed for the day when they would finally be that comfortable around each other. She would run the Pack with him as his Luna, his other half. 

Ian kept gabbling, feeling petrified by his Alpha's presence. He had utmost respect for him but he knew when mates were concerned; hell would break lose. He had to make sure every word of his was perfect and appropriate, like he would to his Luna.

"I've already healed! I'm fine Zoe." Ian smiled absent-minded. 

Zachary's head turned towards him at break-neck speed. How dare he call his Zola like that when even he can't? The Alpha in him rose to surface, his wolf threatening to show the pup his place. 

"La." Ian squeaked as he added the last syllable a moment later. He then bowed his head towards his Alpha as a sign of respect and that he meant no harm to him or his mate. 

Zachary let out an involuntary growl. He wasn't angry at Ian, he was angry at himself and this situation he was stuck in. The only thing he wished for right now, was if Zola would understand him and this motive he had in mind. 

He let out another animalistic growl, The Alpha wolf in him urging to go get his mate. Feel her soft skin, run his fingers through her silky brown curls and gaze into those teal doe-like eyes. He got up and stomped his way outside, feeling reckless for the first time in his life. He wasn't stupid, he had realized that Ian now knew about his dirty little secret.

Zachary shifted into his majestic dark wolf, his wolf's anger controlling him. He zoomed past everything and hurried towards the Pack HQ but did not go inside towards the main levels. Instead Zachary simply moved in the direction of the lower grounds; the Pack prison. 

A guard was already standing there, a pair of grey sweatpants held out for his Alpha. Zachary shifted just as quickly, the popping and breaking of his bones were more or less ignored. 

He marched forwards and walked in the direction of a particular cell which was secluded from the rest. The deep brown walls gave an eerie chill but not to him. Zachary was accustomed to all the screams and cries of his prisoners by now. 

"Leave." Zachary commanded in his gruff Alpha tone. 

The guards following him scurried away, panicked by their Alpha's reaction if they didn't comply to his demand. Many were curious as to why their Alpha was here in the first place. Why was he talking to rogues? Especially them? However, they knew better than to voice them in the first place and moved away from this meet as far as possible.

"I have a job for you." Zachary looked down at their dirt covered bodies as he spoke, making sure not to touch the silver bars.


This is the part where Zola had left and Ian calls up (Chapter Thirteen).

Please Note; I was editing up a chapter earlier and Wattpad suddenly declared That's Amore as Restricted. I was really befuddled by this as I didn't really think it has some contents as such. However, I would like to ask you; Is That's Amore R-Rated? Because if it is then I'd make some serious changes on here. Please help! :/

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