Chapter 9

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Longer chapter! Comment and let me know your thoughts about this chapter. If you have any doubts or simply want to chat then feel free to message me. 

Picture on the side is Zola/Gale/Rico's parents-

Chapter 9

You make me wanna leave the one I'm with to

Start a new relationship with you, this is what you do

Think about a ring and all the things that come along with
You make me, you make me wanna

Leave the one I'm with to
Start a new relationship with you, this is what you do.

-Usher, You Make Me Wanna.

The voice boomed around the empty kitchen and I swear I saw the glasses on the table rattle. Zachary and I pulled away hurriedly, jumping away from each other, much to my dismay. 

Zachary growled lowly in his throat at the interruption and felt goosebumps on my skin.

I looked away from him, embarrassed and I fixed my gaze on the night sky as I stared out the window; something I had been doing  quite a lot these days.
The colour of the sky reminding me so much of Zachary's pure black eyes I saw a couple of seconds ago.

My breathing was still erratic and the feeling to hide away from the embarrassing scene was too intense. Hesitantly, I looked up and the sight made my breath hitch.

Standing at the entrance of the kitchen was my dad. His face red with fury and his claws were already out. Beside him stood my mum with a confused frown on her face and the disappointment was clear as day in her eyes.
Gale was angry, anyone would be able to figure that out but Rico was out-right shaking, his wolf demanding to be let out. 

So, the whole family walked in on me when my mate was finally starting to show some interest in our relationship or whatever this was, when both of us were trapped in the heat of the moment. 

F*cking incredible. 

A loud clearing of a throat made me look up once again. Yes, my family were still very much present there but that is not what caught my eye. Rico and Gale moved aside a little, and standing there at the entrance were my grandparents. They watched me too?

 'Gee, why not call the whole pack Dad?' 

"Zola! What is happening? You have a mate, show some respect to her and us." Grand-pie spoke with such venom that it had me cowering back.

"That's it. First Richard and now this? I am not just going to stand here and do nothing when men touch my daughter in such a way. I'll be damned before that happens..." With that my dad stalked inside the kitchen heading towards the knives up for display at the counter.

I started to panic and looked at my brothers for help. Gale was holding Rico back, trying to soothe him or calm him down in some way. Grams was trying to calm Grand-pie down, who like Rico, was threatening to kill Zachary and had tremors passing through his body. 

Damn, being the only granddaughter had its negatives too.

Risking a glance at Zachary I saw that he was pretty composed for a guy touching another women when he claims to have found 'mate'. His eyes however were a dead give-away. The black pools were back but this time it was for the blatant disrespect he was receiving. 

I wondered why he hadn't said a word to them yet. 

Dad was now advancing towards us with huge knife in his hand but was luckily stopped by my mum who tried to talk to him like Grams was with Grand-pie.

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