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Chapter Eight

Along a dirt road that cut through the vast forests of Fire Country, a cloaked man was walking with hesitance.

The hood of the cloak hid his white, mid-back length hair and eyes while the body of the cloak protected the fine kimono he was wearing from view. Vambraces covered the entirety of his forearms underneath the long sleeves of the kimono and Summoning Seals littered his upper right arm, each one representing one of the many Summon clans that he had gained the allegiance on, there was the multiple kanji for the word 'store' on his upper left arm in contrast with each kanji actually being small seal arrays for storage scrolls that allowed his to seal his things onto himself.

Naruto was walking down a dirt path through the Land of Fire with slight apprehension, though it was only noticeable to those trained in observation. The man was hesitant for several reasons, the most prominent being that he was unsure of what kind of greeting he would be receiving when he arrived at his destination. He had never been there before, but was told that he could visit whenever he pleased but that didn't do anything to help his nerves. It had been over fifteen years ago now and Naruto was not sure that the offer was still open, but he had grown used to company during his talks with Shukaku and fifteen years without company was starting to wear on him. The fact was that, while the place he was going to wasn't the most ideal of places, it was the best option he felt he had at the moment, though that wasn't saying much.

It didn't help that there were whispers of war on the horizon and tensions between the hidden shinobi villages were rising, each one wanting to grab any vestiges of power they could, even if it meant all out war. As if gaining the power of bijū wasn't enough, they still needed every last scrap of power they could scrape together to prove that they were to top 'dog'.

Because of the rising tensions, patrols were put on higher alert and doubled in size, each village defending what territory they held vigorously. Patrols were stopping everyone they came across, inspecting them, making sure that they weren't enemy ninja or held hostile intentions for the land that they resided in.

This had the effect of making the civilians nervous and heightening the tension that Naruto felt in the towns he had come across in his journey to his current destination, Konoha. From what Naruto heard, this war was always inevitable due to the other countries wanting more power, but the fight between Hashirama and Madara had stalled the other countries plans for war and made them hesitant in starting a fight against Konoha, and subsequently, Hashirama Senju.

The left over carnage from the battle at the, newly named, Valley of the End had spooked the other nations, when their spies had reported back that, what was once a lush forest, was now a barren wasteland, many of the nations were cowed. The other countries had backed off from the threat of war due to the threat they thought Hashirama was, though it wasn't him that had made the carnage that they saw.

It was true that the Valley of the End looked horrible, a scar of the on forested land of Fire Country, but the carnage they saw wasn't just the remains of the battle between Senju and Uchiha, it was also the place where Naruto had let out all his sorrow, pain, anger, guilt and remorse. A couple of days after that battle, Naruto had gone back to that site and simply let loose. He released all of his negative emotions into chakra enhanced punches that he let launched at the ground, each one shattering a couple of kilometres of land, churning up soil and dirt everywhere. By the end of it, the battle site of Hashirama and Madara looked like both a tornado and an earthquake had torn through the area.

It was that scene that was reported to back to other hidden villages, causing their Kages to back off their threats of war. Though it appears it that the other nations were only waiting, biding their time until they thought Hashirama weak enough that they would be able to start a war without having to go up against the God of Shinobi in his prime. Now that Hashirama was getting older, no longer continuously improving, the other villages were will to take a risk and start war, the Shodai Hokage was now forty years old, around the age where shinobi would start to retire.

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