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Chapter Eighteen

Minato Namikaze was a man not easily scared or unnerved. He'd seen more than enough death and bloodshed during the Third Shinobi War, and he had more blood than he would like on his hands. He'd kept his cool, even after committing one of the most notable actions of his ninja career, and of the Third Shinobi War, his slaughtering of a platoon of Iwa shinobi and kunoichi, walking out of the bloodbath with a hard, emotionless face. He had never been nervous or scared then.

But as he stood out in the lounge room of his apartment in Konoha, he could feel the kind of nervousness, the kind of anticipation, that he had first felt when he knew he was going to get his first taste of real-life combat.

His father had finally thrown the tri-pronged kunai that he had given him before he left Konoha over a month ago. Now he stood waiting for Kushina to finish doing whatever it was that she was doing, most likely double checking that she had everything, before the two of them flashed to his father's location. Both of them had bought formal clothes for the wedding, not being allowed to buy actual wedding clothes without attracting unwanted attention. Minato had bought a black hakama to go with a black kimono that would have a white trimming around the collar, he also had a black haori with white around the cuffs on the sleeves and rim. He had no idea what Kushina had bought, both of them having agreed to keep what they were wearing a secret until they were about to be wed.

As he waited for Kushina, Minato thought about the place that his father had thrown his kunai from. He knew that where ever Naruto was, it was towards the north-east, around the Land of Lightning and the Land of Frost, closer to Shimogakure (Village Hidden in the Frost) than to Kumo. This did nothing to quell the nerves and thoughts that betrayed his trust of his father.

'Is Naruto part of Kumo?' His mind said, as it began to doubt all of the trust that Naruto had brought up. 'Kumo was always interested in Kushina for her lineage, perhaps they found out that we were dating, or even engaged. This could all be some elaborate trap, Naruto is close enough to Kumo that he could be at some sort of hidden base. It might even be Kumo and Iwa joining forces, Kumo found out that Kushina and I were together and decided to ask Iwagakure if they wanted to be part of the trap that caught the 'Yellow Flash'.' Minato snapped himself out of those thoughts, he had no reason to believe that Naruto, his father, was working against him or Konoha. Naruto had his secrets, that much Minato could tell, but so did he, he couldn't expect his father to tell him everything when he wouldn't either, though whether he wouldn't tell his father his own secrets out of lack of trust or his instincts as a shinobi had yet to be confirmed. He could only hope that Naruto's secrets, whatever they may be, wouldn't endanger his village, because he knew that it would be on his head that the axe fell if that happened.

"Minato-kun." The sound of Kushina's voice brought Minato out of his inner thoughts. Shaking his head to clear away the lingering thoughts, Minato turned to Kushina, who was clad in her shinobi outfit, just as he was in his. On her side was a sealing scroll, similar to the one that he had at his, holding her clothing.

"Yes, Kushina-chan?" Minato asked.

"What's wrong?" Kushina questioned, as she came up to her fiancé, taking a hold of his hand, her voice full of concern. "Your brow is furrowed and you have a slight frown. That only happens when you think of things that trouble you." Her voice then changed from concern to disapproval. "You know that you're not allowed to think of anything negative today, we're going to get married and I won't let it be ruined because you were grumpy, dattebane."

Minato chuckled at his soon to be wife's attitude, "Sorry Kushina-chan, I promise it won't happen again." Minato moved his arms to encircle the red-headed woman, who allowed herself to be pulled into the blonde's arms.

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