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Chapter Seventeen

The training ground that Naruto found himself, once his son and friends caught up to him, was covered mostly in trees, a small clearing was the only reprieve that one would have from the green forest, other than a path that wound its way from the clearing to the edge of the domestic district of Konoha. A river cut through part of the clearing, artificial in nature, it was said that the Nidaime Hokage created it by accident while practicing higher in the mountains around Konoha. It was in this training ground, Training Ground Three as it was called, that Naruto raised an eyebrow at the sole Uchiha of the group, her request taking him, and Minato and Kushina by surprise, though he suspected both had seen this coming.

"I'm sorry," Naruto said to Mikoto, shaking his head as if to clear his ears, "But I thought you said you wanted to fight me?" The disbelief in his voice was quite clear.

"Correct, Naruto," Mikoto told the disguised man, "Kushina told me that you defeated several ninja, I wish to see if this is true." Naruto turned his head to look at Kushina, who blushed red and chuckled, averting her gaze, Naruto then turned back to Mikoto. He knew that Minato had told Kushina a short version of the story that he had told him, but he had hoped that Kushina would of had a bit of self-control when it came to things that should remain with the relevant parties.

He understood that Mikoto was her friend, but she had no business knowing his story and Kushina had no right to tell her. That was reserved to Minato and himself.

"Could I not demonstrate on the logs?" Naruto asked, gesturing to the three logs that were standing in the clearing, quite out of place if he said so himself, but they might be there for a reason.

"Those aren't used to practice taijutsu, Tou-san." Minato told his father, "They're actually used for the final test for academy students to decide if they're ready to become genin."

Naruto gave a sigh, he could fight Mikoto, but that run the risk of her activating her Sharingan and spotting the illusion, yet, not fighting her could rock the trust that Minato had for him. Minato might believe his story and trust in what he said, but that trust was still new and fragile, not fighting Mikoto, for whatever reason, could result in the breaking said trust, especially when he had no reason as to why he couldn't fight. Thus, his choice was obvious.

"If I fight you, you don't use your doūjutsu." Naruto told her, "It's in unfair advantage considering that I can't use chakra to the capacity that you can, nor was I trained like you were." Naruto hoped they bought it, having Mikoto agree to the restriction of pure taijutsu would make the chance of being discovered far lower. There was always the chance of her activating her clan's kekkei genkai subconsciously, but he could only pray to whatever deity was out there that it didn't happen.

"Deal," Mikoto agreed, to Naruto's relief, "I don't know what made you think that I would use the Sharingan in my fight with you, Naruto. You may be skilled in taijutsu, but you are only a civilian while I am a fully trained jōnin. There should be no need for me to activate it."

Naruto felt, for a moment, that if he opened his mouth to dignify those words with a response, that he would be able to taste the arrogance. While not to the level that he had experience with other Uchiha clansmen that he had run into in the past, he was posing as a civilian who weren't known for their power, the arrogance that Mikoto displayed was quite annoying to someone who knew that they would be able to crush her with both eyes closed and hands tied behind their back.

Naruto said nothing, he turned around and walked to the other side of the clearing, towards the strange kunai like monument that stood near one end of the clearing. Turning around, he found Mikoto was dressed in shinobi uniform, a green flak jacket, just like Kushina, with a black, no-sleeved, shirt along with a pair of pants of the same colour underneath. A pouch was strapped to Mikoto's right thigh, another strapped to her left, a forehead protector was wrapped around her left arm. She wore no armour aside from the flak jacket and two shin guards strapped to her legs.

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