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Chapter Nineteen

Naruto didn't know how time passed so quickly, perhaps it was because of his near constant interaction with people that caused his perception to become skewered, maybe it was his interaction with different people each day that helped pass time. Whatever the reason, Naruto was fairly certain that nine months wasn't meant to pass as quickly as it had for him.

He had met his three former-temporary-students again, none of them recognised him, time having distorted their memories of his features, though not enough that Tsunade didn't give his face a second glance before moving on. He had actually sweated slightly when her eyes had focused on his face, he knew that his goddaughter didn't have the kind of temperament of her teacher, she would have screamed out his secret then and there. The three he had trained once were no longer children, now grown adults with titles, that of Sannin, that were apparently given to them after all three lost against one man. Naruto wasn't sure if something had changed in the world when he heard that, weren't people meant to get titles only after they won against, or beat, someone?

Jiraiya was still a pervert, only 'super' now, still joking around most of the time, writing that lecherous book series, Icha Icha. Though he was pleasantly surprised that the 'dead last' from the academy had actually written a serious book before that, entitled 'The Tale of the Utterly Gutsy Shinobi', which he had read through and surprisingly enjoyed. It reminded him greatly of Hagoromo, rather than himself, even though the main character was called Naruto, when he first read through it, his brother had always been the one more focused on peace than himself, who had mostly focused on family. Jiraiya had started a spy network, apparently, to root out any conspirators against Konoha in the rest of the Elemental Nations, with his ultimate goal for the network to be able to find the ever elusive 'Elemental Sage'. Naruto almost wished that Jiraiya could know that his goal was standing in front of him simply to see the man's reaction to the information.

Orochimaru had turned out to quite the intellectual, performing experiments using animals about chakra, experimenting with different ways to use chakra and testing to see if it was possible for non-bloodline users to use a combined nature transformation. 'Pioneering the future of chakra use' according to Hiruzen when he had met the pale boy, now man, again. However, Naruto had noticed how the Sarutobi's eyes seemed strained as he looked at his former student, while Orochimaru's eyes flashed violently when it was mentioned that he was Minato's father, though the Snake-Sannin hide it well. Naruto also noticed the general disinterest in the man's eyes when he looked at Konoha, it was similar to the same look that a child had with a toy that he no longer wanted or wished for, it disturbed Naruto a bit to see that someone could hold such a feeling for a place that they were meant to call home. The wind user had also taken on an apprentice, a girl called Anko that Orochimaru said 'had potential that shouldn't be wasted'. Overall, the second male member of the Sannin gave off a bad vibe to Naruto.

Tsunade had grown up into a medic, one of the best in the world if Hiruzen's word was to be trusted, along with the strongest woman as well, Naruto was so proud of his little goddaughter, though he managed to keep the pride off his face. Tsunade was apparently incredibly skilled in fūinjutsu too, having created a seal that would store part of her chakra in order for it to be released back into her system, healing her of virtually any wound. All three of the Sannin had taken to seals after he left, according to Hiruzen, Tsunade focusing on their medical purposes, while Orochimaru and Jiraiya both went for a broader overview of the subject. Tsunade had apparently taken an apprentice called Shizune, the niece of a past lover of Tsunade that she had lost during the Third Shinobi War. The niece was very skilled in medical ninjutsu, even before the Slug-Sannin had taken her as an apprentice. Tsunade had also, a one point, been very close to leaving Konoha under the guise of her Sannin travel privileges, not being able to cope with knowledge that her lover and brother, Nawaki, who had been killed in an explosion during the Second Shinobi War, had both died in service to Konoha. It was only the timely intervention Miki, Tsunade's aging mother, that prevented her leaving the village completely.

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