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Chapter Thirty-One

"Again, Naruto-ojisan!" The loud yet cheerful voice made a small smile come to Naruto's face as he acted. The water in front of Isobu shot forward and splashed it in the face, causing the Three-Tails to giggle loudly in amusement, but it didn't stop moving, despite the amount of water being enough to demolish a house with ease.

It was with a lighter heart that Naruto led Isobu through the oceans south of the Land of Fire, having managed to find the bijū slumbering deep beneath the sea near the coast of the Land of Lightning. Waiting for 'Mata-chan' it'd said, Naruto's smile had strained slightly at that.

Now though, Naruto felt better than he had in a long time, a lighter heart and mind accompanying him as he glided over the southern seas with Isobu by his side, the Three-Tails swimming with its head above the water to allow it to speak with Naruto.

"When are we going to get there?" Isobu asked curiously, just as curiously as the other fifty times it had asked Naruto the same question. Still, Naruto let none of the minor irritation he felt be known to the three-tails.

"Almost, Isobu, almost," Naruto replied. "We're closer than you think." He added as he noticed two rocks creeping into view on the horizon, sitting above the water.

The time between seeing the gate and reaching it was significantly shorter when compared to the time it took to be able to see them. Almost two days of near non-stop movement compared to two hours.

Eventually, they reached the rocks and Naruto moved closer to one, Isobu following closely behind, curious over what was happening. Reaching within arm's reach of the chosen rock, Naruto lowered himself beneath the waves, a constantly refreshing bubble of air around his head supplying him oxygen. Predictably, Isobu followed him.

Naruto was quite grateful to the science magazines that he had begun to read as without them, he would have never have known that water did in fact contain oxygen. From there, it hadn't taken all that long for Naruto to manipulate the water and air so as to separate the two. It took a monstrous amount of water for Naruto to gather enough breathable air, but he found it didn't matter within the sea.

One might find it strange to find two rocks, separated by a rather large gap, seemingly the middle of the ocean, but if they searched the area, they would find nothing. If they checked the rocks and had a keen eye, they might have found something, but even then it would do them no good.

Naruto stopped his descent at a hole that dug deep into the rock, only large enough for an arm to fit into. Without a hint of hesitation, Naruto stuck his arm directly into the hole and felt the palm of his hand against the end of tiny opening in the rock. Passing chakra through his hand, Naruto then waited.

If one were to cut the rock in half in a specific way, they would have been amazed at the seals that had formed seemingly into the rock. Hundreds of them, invisible to the outside and only accessible through the small opening into the rock that Naruto's palm currently occupied.

Inside the rock, the seals lit up with chakra and acted. Feeling the thrum of power inside the rock, Naruto floated back up to the surface after removing his hand, Isobu quickly following behind.

Surfacing, Naruto turned to the Three-Tails and motioned to the space between the two rocks, which now shimmered noticeably.

"Let's go, Isobu." Naruto smiled as he noticed the glint of excitement in the eye of the three-tailed turtle. Without a second of delay, the turtle moved in between the two rocks and slowly vanished as it was swallowed by the newly created veil. Naruto followed swiftly and the barrier closed only a second later.

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