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Chapter Thirty-Three

Pein knew much about the Yōso Sennin.

Thanks to several successive efforts into spying on the man, performed by Zetsu, he had , as far as he knew, comprehensive knowledge as to the man's abilities and how he could use them.

Any of elemental techniques that Pein knew of where removed from all strategies. The Sennin would be able to rip them from his control and return them ten-fold.

The Rinnegan user also knew that he needed to attempt any and all killing blows that he could manage, as that would be the only thing that would be able to stun the man from any length of time thanks to his advanced regenerative ability, the source of the man's youthful and unchanging appearance.

Zetsu had even managed to gain information that, while not useful, was certainly interesting. The Sennin was apparently the father of the Yondaime Hokage, and was going by the name of Naruto Namikaze.

Pein could feel that this was his ultimate test.

The test of his resolve, of his determination, of his conviction, and of his righteousness.

The test of his power, of his control over his gifts.

The test of his godhood.

Knowing what he knew about his opponent and his own abilities, Pein was feeling confident about his chances.

Unfortunately for him, Naruto quickly crushed that confidence, grinding it to dust and scattering it to the far corners of the world.


It was not a man that emerged from the Hokage Mountain when the dust settled, but something else entirely.

The only warning the Deva Path got was a figure emerging into the air, flying out of the dust cloud, before it was forced to dodge as colossal column of air slammed onto the roof of the building it was occupying, along with ten other building in a column, crushing them all.

It was while he was mid-air, just after dodging the column of air, that the Path felt a fist ram itself into its gut. The nerves barely had enough time to transmit the feeling of pain to the brain before the Path was sent flying back, its spine snapping as it broke the sound barrier.

No sound reached the Path's ears, and therefore Nagato's, as it flew through the air. It made the sight of Namikaze, hovering in the air with chakra surrounding his body like a shroud, with eyes screaming of rage and fury and horns on his forehead, all the more terrifying.

The rags that were once his clothes did nothing to detract from this look, actually adding to the appearance of primal power that the Sennin was showing.

The Path's fellows passed underneath their flying comrade, none of them able to do anything, not able to react in time even if they could.

The Sennin's right hand rose, then fell, pointing directly at the Deva Path. Lightning gathered around the hand, sparking and crackling.

The Deva Path continued to fly through the air, carried by the momentum of the punch, but beginning to slow, passing over the edge of the wall that surrounded Konoha.

"Raiton: Sakeme (Lightning Release: Sunder)!"

The world darkened as a new source of light out shone the sun, and lightning, on a scale the world had yet to see, looking more like a pillar of electricity than a bolt, tore through the air on a collision course with the earth.

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