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Chapter Thirteen

Guarding the Gates of Konoha is a job that many would deem as incredibly important to the security of the village. Checking those who enter as well as those who exit, reporting any suspicious people or activity that they see would be considered part of the job that someone guarding the gates would perform.

Not a very hard job, but one that is quite important for Konoha's security. But for the two current gate guards, it was a job they had done so much, that they'd just stopped caring.

"I spy with my little eye, something the colour white." The first guard said to the other, the second guard then reached over and slapped the first guard over the back of the head. "Ow, what the hell was that for?" He said, rubbing the back of his head. The second guard simply rolled his eyes at the antics of the first, he didn't hit him that hard.

One would think that if they were taking their jobs seriously, then the second guard would have reprimanded his comrade of distracting them both from their jobs. This didn't happen, because neither of them was taking their jobs very seriously.

"Itana you idiot, everyone knows you don't say a colour, you say the first letter of the thing you're thinking of." The second guard told Itana, the first guard.

Itana was dressed was dressed in the standard grey armour that almost all shinobi wore, along with long dark pants and a black shirt underneath. The dark shirt was on top of a mesh shirt that reached Itana's elbows. A few pouches were strapped to this waist, each holding several pieces of ninja equipment like kunai and shuriken. Attached to his back with one handle over each shoulder were two kunai blades, large sword like versions of kunai with a single edge. Itana's hair was dark, long and spiky, the only thing stopping it from covering his vision was the Konoha forehead protector that was strapped around his forehead.

"That's not true." Itana responded to his companions words. "I played using colours all the time, you're the one that's wrong Daichi, not me."

Daichi, like Itana, was wearing the same grey armour that almost all shinobi do. A dark shirt went up to his chin, and his Konoha forehead protector was wrapped around his head like a bandana, forcing his hair down, covering his left eye. Along with his fellow gate guard, he too had a few pouches strapped to his waist filled with ninja equipment.

Daichi simply gave a sigh and didn't respond, instead he looked up at the mostly clear sky, a few clouds lazily gliding across the almost empty blue sky. The two of them were sitting down against the walls that encircled Konoha, next to the gate.

"Shouldn't we be paying more attention to our job?" Daichi questioned the person sitting next to him as the both watched the clouds. "I mean, our jobs are pretty important, if boring half the time, and we're both chunin, shouldn't we be showing a better example to the younger generation or something?"

"Nah," Itana said, waving off Daichi's question. "The other villages are running scared of Konoha since the Shinobi War, afraid we'll send the Elemental Sage after them. As for the younger generation, why would any of them look to use for inspiration, we're both eighteen year old chunin gate guards. Not exactly the best role model." Looking over at Daichi, Itana nudged him with his elbow. "Come on Daichi, we all know what happened, in the final battle, he came in like some sort of vengeful god and slaughter all the Iwa, Kumo and Suna ninja around-"

"I know the story Itana," Daichi told his friend, interrupting his recount of the final battle of the Shinobi War. "But still, what if an enemy shinobi attacked, or what about one of those nukenin that people are always going on about. Apparently, Suna, Kumo, Iwa, Kiri and Konoha are all thinking about releasing their own books that list all their missing-nin and are giving out rewards for their heads, do you have any idea how many ninja abandoned their own village after the war, including Konoha?"

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