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Chapter Eleven

In the beginning of the war, it seemed like Konoha would have a fighting chance in coming out on top of the other hidden villages.

Uzushio was handling Kiri, preventing them from reaching the coast of the Land of Fire and threatening Konoha's eastern borders, allowing Konoha to focus on Suna, Iwa and Kiri. The Uzumaki and fellow residents of Uzushio pelted the Kiri ships with multiple exploding tags of different types, to discharged electricity, others fire, while some simple exploded, living up to their original name. The residents of the Village Hidden in the Whirling Tides used their superior fūinjutsu to create seals that frustrated the Kiri-nin to no end, seals that could contain any water that the Mist threw at them, seals that strengthened their ships against damage, seals that contained hidden weapons in order to surprise their enemies, even seals that managed to hide their ships from the naked eye. Pieces of parchment with ink on them were defeating one of the Great Shinobi Villages. It frustrated the Mizukage beyond words that his ninja were being taken apart because of tiny pieces of parchment.

However, that didn't mean that Kirigakure weren't putting up a fight, the Kaguya clan proved that they were truly as barbaric people say, cutting through Uzushiogakure ninja using their bone swords with no regard for their own safety or for the people around, they simply fought until they couldn't move. The Terumi clan showed the strength of the bloodlines that Kirigakure wielded, using Futton (Boil Release) and Yōton (Lava Release) to great effect, blinding their enemies with steam and using their lava based attacks to light hostile ships on fire. In ship to ship combat, the Yuki clan were invaluable, using their Hyōton (Ice Release) to create ice mirrors to jump from ship to ship, slaughtering Uzu shinobi as they went, the fact that they were fighting over water meant that an ice mirror could come from anywhere.

Even so, Uzushiogakure managed to hold back the invading Kiri nin, their strength in seals and kenjutsu as well as their larger average chakra reserves of the entire village proving to trump the power of Kiri. It was a morale booster for the ally of Konoha, the fact that they were holding off one of the Great Shinobi Villages said much about their skills.

On the main land of the Elemental Nations, it was a literal free-for-all. There were no allies, there were only enemy villages. Iwa demonstrated the power of their Doton (Earth Release) techniques, showing how effective earth release techniques could be, using them in both defence and offence. The Village Hidden by Rocks quickly secured a stronghold along their border before pushing forward, securing supply lines, resources and troops before going on the offensive. As soon as the war began, it became obvious to Kumo, Suna and Konoha that Iwa was playing to win, using whatever was in their power to gain ground, from sending their shinobi on suicide runs to holding entire towns hostage to get enemy nin to leave. While this did make Iwa heartless in the eyes of the public, their tactics making them seem ruthless, heartless, and in some cases evil, it did prove to many clients that they would do whatever it took to accomplish the mission.

Kumo showed proved to be incredibly powerful, the majority of their shinobi being well versed in Kenjutsu, the use of weapons made many of the Kumogakure shinobi far deadlier up close than the other villages; the ability to charge their swords with Raiton (Lightning Release) chakra only enforced this. The Kinkaku Force of Kumogakure cut through enemies like butter, none of them near the skills of the highly trained team of ninja with the combined strength to take down kage level shinobi. The Gold and Silver Brothers, having gained immense chakra reserves from being in the Kyūbi's stomach, launched incredibly large ninjutsu attacks at their enemies, lighting up the battlefield with their attacks, revelling in the blood that war produced. However, Kumo also suffered the most loss, their Shodai Raikage dying early on in the war, dropping morale before the newly elected Nidaime Raikage managed to raise it back up. Kumo proved that they were a powerful village.

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