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Chapter Twenty-Nine

"You know why I'm here, Minato," Naruto told his son promptly as he entered the blond's office a few days after what was now being called the 'Kumo Incident'. "So I'd appreciate it if we skipped the part where I ask you why those shinobi attempted to kidnap my grandson and you just tell me?"

Minato chuckled at his father's blunt manner, as the dark haired man sat down on the opposite side of the desk, but that chuckle dried up and he shot his father a serious look.

"This attempt by Kumo never should have happened." Naruto responded to Minato's words with a snort.

"Of course it shouldn't of, but some people are willing to go to any lengths for what they want." Naruto shook his head. "But what I want to know it why. Why did they go after Kōji and the Hyūga girl?"

"I'd also like to thank you for saving Kōji, as well as Hinata, tou-san," Minato said to his father, a sincere smile on his face and a look of gratitude. "You didn't have to, but you did, and I'll never be able to thank you enough for that."

Naruto merely waved off his son's thanks.

"Kōji is my grandson, Minato, whether you wanted me to or not, I'd have gone after him." Minato smiled at his father.

"Regardless, thank you, tou-san." There was a small pause before the Hokage picked up from where he had left off. "To begin," Minato started, "This whole infiltration was formulated in response to an attack on Kumo over a month ago, it was the reason they went into lockdown. According to Jiraiya-sensei, his spy network only managed to get word to him several days ago, and with the news not seeming important and nothing happening in Iwa, he decided to take the time to travel to Konoha personally to deliver it." Minato sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Jiraiya-sensei sure picked his timing."

"You've got that right," Naruto muttered before refocusing. "How does this explain why Kumo decided to infiltrate Konoha and how it shouldn't have happened?"

"The attack on Kumo that happened a month earlier was done by Kakuzu 'Tsu no Kokoro' (Five Hearts) and Akasuna no Sasori, S-rank missing-nin." Minato responded.

Silence prevailed in the office before Naruto gave a huff.

"Minato, those names don't mean anything to me, nor do the rank." The annoyance in his father's tone was so obvious that Minato was sure one would have had to have been deaf to miss it. "Don't pause dramatically and wait for me to gasp in shock and someone's name."

Minato blushed slightly at his father's words, embarrassment stemming from Naruto's words as well as the fact that he may have been waiting for some sort of reaction from his father. Minato had yet to hear his father gasp or exclaim in shock at anything.

"Kakuzu is a bounty hunter and a missing-nin that was originally from Takigakure, one of our allies," Minato supplied once he composed himself, replastering a serious expression on his face. "Supposedly immortal through the use of a forbidden technique called Jiongu. The other, Sasori, is former shinobi of Sunagakure, also another ally of Konoha, and a master puppeteer, supposedly able to control a hundred at a time. For whatever reason, the two attacked Kumo's jinchuriki, a man named Kirābī, in broad daylight."

The only outward reaction that Naruto showed was a slight widening of the eyes at the news. Inside however, Naruto was furiously thinking of what he should do.

Obviously, he was going to free which ever one of the bijū that this Kirābī held, however, he thought over the possibility of fishing for more information about this jinchūriki. A physical description, or defining trait.

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