Epicene Hollow and my Transformation

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About a seven day later, we had still found nothing. The mountain dragons taught me to hunt in this climate and Kyranous told me that I’m a good hunter for a humanoid and I should have no problem at all fending for my family, which is a big compliment coming from him. Aemy was still getting the royal treatment from the mountain dragons, and they had shared a secret spell with her that she wanted me to try on her and Gaddie. It was supposed to do… I don’t know, something or other. She just mumbled it, so I couldn’t hear. I hope it’s not a bad thing. Today, I would perform it on her the way that Kyranous had taught me. Robbie stayed up late almost every night, enchanting the sword I had given him a little while ago. I don’t know what he’s been doing to it, but he’s been enchanting it.

I was getting along very well with the mountain dragons. They said there was something special in me, but they wouldn’t tell me what it is. Robbie still had no idea that Caden was pregnant, but Tadon and Jay had figured it out. They promised not to say anything to him. She really wanted it to be a surprise.

I walked up to where Aemarinth and Gadarieth lay waiting for me. “Ready guys?”

Yes. Aemarinth seemed excited.

Let’s just get this over with, okay? I’m starving. Oh, Gaddie. That made me burst out laughing. My darling boy, always the hungry one.

“Okay… Yamerath Bidreanack!” I shouted this as I put my hands together, palms faring straight towards them. That is after all, according to Kyranous, how you cast a spell.

“Did it work?” I asked in confusion. They glowed green for a moment, but nothing else happened.

I don’t know… I don’t feel any different… Okay, so Aemy’s fine.

I do. I can’t explain it, but something feels…. I don’t know… More masculine. Gaddie’s voice had gotten slightly deeper as he said this. That’s strange… So it only affected Gaddie. Is that the purpose? This is so confusing. My first spell, and my dragon feels weird. Not a good sign. Oh, well. I have to go hunting. Kyranous is going to teach me to catch fish from a waterfall while it’s falling.


Later that night, I felt very proud of myself. The fish training had gone very well. We had leftovers for once on this trip. We all went to sleep and didn’t expect anything strange to happen. We’d go out searching for what was calling me tomorrow. But that chance never came. As I was falling asleep, I heard someone walking around outside my tent for some reason. But I was too tired to get up and look. It was probably someone going to take a late-night dump.

I had the strangest dream that night. There was a little girl I knew for some reason but had never seen. She was calling my name, luring me to go to her. She had long, straight, black hair and a ragged dress like she had been a kitchen drudge or a slave. Her dark sin complimented her beautiful brown eyes. She whispered my name and it echoed slightly, almost like she was a ghost. She ran happily in circles, almost like she wanted to play with me. I felt obliged to comply, as I didn’t want to let her down.

I woke up to something calling my name. It sounded a lot like the little girl in my dream. But there was no one here. Poking my head out of the tent to see who had woken me, I saw her by the path. She was facing the other way, and I could see the mountains through her. Her ghostly body glowed blue and the moon had gone, leaving her as the only light source. It was the girl from my dream. She was as beautiful as I had imagined her to be. She turned around to look at me and I saw what had killed her: A large portion of her torso was missing. It wasn’t bad looking, just a hollow shell.

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