The Twisp

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The Twisp

On the way out in my new uniform, I ran into four of the other new dragon tamers. The uniforms are awesome-looking. For the girls, slightly see-through red shirts form fitted our upper bodies. We had purple bras under it. Without sleeves, they wrapped around our necks to stay up. A white band wrapped around our waists. Designs the color of the tamer’s dragon lined the white band. A skirt came out of the bottom of the band in the same see-through red. It cut higher on the sides that down the front and back so that we could ride comfortably. A smaller black skirt that did the same thing went under the red one. We had green high-heel boots that buckled on the outside of the boot. Our sleeves are gold, and connect to blue shoulder plates. brown bands hang down from our elbows, where the sleeve ends. Green gloves that go up almost to the elbow completely cover our hands. A bronze pony tail holds our hair up out of our faces. I love this uniform. I don’t like the boys’ as much. They have red shoulder plates, brown boots, and black gloves. A green belt goes around their waists. Their helmets are bronze too. Purple designs cover the white pants while the tamer’s dragon’s color decorates the blue shirt. They get black and red cloaks that barely stay off of the ground as they walk with a small, golden pendant holding it together at the neck. All shoulder plates have dragons carved into their top blades. Both girl and boy dragon tamers have to wear locket with paintings of their dragons in the center. Since they protect the world from Blaenik, tamers got a discount. The locket is proof that they are a tamer. We have to wear them at all times while trading and riding our dragons. The locket is in a kind of rounded triangle shape with silver for the outside triangle and gold for the inside. A silver dragon wraps its way around the center of the locket.

By the names of Kimmy, Caden, Megan, and Robbie, we connected, and got along really well. Eventually, we became such close friends that we chose bunkers near each other.

Hang on. I wasn’t crazy!

“Wow! What is that? It’s like, half blue and half green! So cool! This is my sweet Gadarieth. I call him Gaddie for short. He asked me to. I got him on my first hatching! He’s my endless pit. He eats EVERYTHING.” I stopped myself finally, but not before I ranted my heart out to Megan. Hopefully she doesn’t think I’m insane or something.

“Thanks. Aemarinth” - the other possible, Megan, gestured to the half-green, half-blue - “and I appreciate it.” she replied. While she and I talked, Gaddie was having a nice conversation with Aemarinth.

“So what is she anyway? Or is Aemarinth a he?” I asked.

“She’s a Twisp. A green Twisp.” replied Megan.

“And… what’s a Twisp?”

“A Twisp is when the egg of one color fuses with the egg of another color to create a whole new breed, according to Aemarinth.”

“Oh. Okay.”

“Yeah. Most people are wary of her. But I love her.”

“Why are most people wary of her?”

“Well, Twisps have a bad reputation. The last time a Twisp was born, so was Blaenik. So people think Aemarinth is a bad omen.”

“Oh. Do you? Gaddie doesn’t seem to think so, so I guess I don’t.”

“No. Of course I don’t. Would you be frightened of Gaddie if blues were known to cause bad accidents?”

“No. I love him to death.”


When they met Liam, we all became the inseparable pack of twelve - the dragons and their riders. For some reason, though, it seemed as though Liam was holding something back. Something I don’t know about.

Kimmy had sea-blue eyes that looked at everyone unimpressed. Her waist-length black hair flowed behind her everywhere she went. She always looked on the bad side of things, and wasn’t afraid to stand up for herself, her dragon, or her friends. In fact, she seemed to enjoy it. This had been her third hatching, but it was worth it to get a gold. Caden had long, straight, blonde hair and eyes that changed according to her mood. This was her first hatching. She loved to play, but could break someone if she had to. Megan was sweet. Thinking of everyone, she always lent her things out and listened to people’s problems. All the other girls envied her hair. Her eyes could see through any wall anyone put up. The girl I stood beside on the Grounds. Often times, she knew things about someone that person hadn’t even discovered themselves. Her first hatching had resulted in her beautiful companion. Robbie was generally quiet and shy. The logical one, he gave out advice to anyone who wanted it. Rarely was he ever wrong. His short sandy hair and green-blue eyes made him the perfect person to trust. He Imprinted a bronze on his first hatching. He was the first wisher to Imprint this hatching.

The next day, I met up with Liam, and he proudly informed me that his dragon is named Dileth. I told him about Gadarieth, and we thought that we must be the happiest 14-Pass olds alive.

After a few seven days, wherever one was, the other 11 were close by. And I had run into a boy my age, allowing us to get to know each other better. His name was Tadon, and when he asked why dragons spoke to all of us except for him, Gaddie had replied I’ll speak to you if you wish. He had just clutched his head and said “Thanks, Gadarieth. I’d like that.”

By that time, Gadarieth and Dileth had met their tamers’ families, and were overjoyed by the compliments they got on their shiny scales and cute faces. Gadarieth wasn’t too enthused about meeting Drake though. He had tried to ride the poor draceling when he wasn’t strong or big enough, and when I pulled him forcefully off of my lifelong friend, he called us both stupid, and tried to throw a rock at him, but I got in the way and it hit me in the head. It didn’t hurt much. Drake was always the weak one, but I was offended that anyone would try to hurt my dragon.

On a different note, Gaddie seemed to be taking a liking to Aemarinth.

By the next Hatching, I already had a girl that I didn’t like. One of the ones from my own syndicate. Samantha. Aemarinth had nicknamed her “Sa-waa-tha”, and Gaddie started to call her that too. She had shoulder-length black hair, and red bangs where dye had permanently stained it. She was 14, but acted like a two-Pass old. She whined when she didn’t get her way, shoved everyone, and thought she was the queen of the world. She also thought that she was a tomboy when all she really was was a wannabe. I’m a tomboy. But she thinks that she’s the best thing that ever happened to everyone. Even Gaddie said that she’d never make a good dragon tamer. The only reason why she was in wishery list in the first place was because her poor mother’s House promised twice the amount of flock that they normally gave to feed the dragons. They did the same thing this Pass. She just learned a cheat. She stroked the egg ever so gently and talked nicely. Of course, that’d get her the red. She wouldn’t settle for anything less. She even booby-trapped a poor girl’s hairbrush so it exploded in her hair. 

At the hatching, Samantha pushed and shoved and made sure no one went anywhere near the eggs. Especially the young red. Rena herself had to come out and hold her off to the side. Boy, the atrocious noise exiting her mouth was terrible. Even Gaddie started trying to wipe it out of his head. He flailed his head and roared, but it wasn’t even enough to mask her loud wailing. Most of the people in the audience groaned and clutched their ears in a vain attempt to block it out. One by one, eggs cracked and dragons chose their lifelong best friends. The red looked around quizzically, then went to her. Poor red. Even Rena looked disappointed by the young one’s choice.

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