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I woke up to see a very familiar face. Robbie was sitting in front of me, running his finger along my father’s pendant. He whispered something quietly.

“What?” I weakly sputtered out. I hadn’t heard him and he seemed distraught.

“Where did you get this?” He asked slightly louder. He seemed to not have noticed anything but the pendant.

“It’s my father’s. It was over in the pile of bones in the rubble over there.” I pointed weakly in the general direction. Taeranyah was in the corner, cowering. What’s wrong with her?

“No. It’s my wife’s. Carly’s.” He still didn’t look at me.

“It’s… my father’s. It’s been passed down my mother’s side for many generations. She gave it to my father for their anniversary.”

“Do you know what this means?”

“That our families are strangely similar?”

“No. You’re my great-great-great-great-great granddaughter.”

“What? I can’t be.”

“Look at me again.”

“Okay….” Robbie dropped the pendant on his knees and bent forward slightly. One hand picked up a strand of my bangs and I leaned back slightly. His hand moved down, stopping at my cheek.

“Your eyes… There’s black and purple in them now. And your bangs… They’re black. This just happened.”

“Yeah… So?” His hand went along a pattern right next to the front of my left ear.

“Carly had something just like this.”

“Umm…. I am so confused. Why are you running your hand along the side of my face and who’s Carly and how can I be your descendent and what just happened and how did you get here so fast? What time is it?” He took his hand off of me and looked at me with a very serious tone.

“Carly was my wife a few lifetimes ago. She had a birthmark in the shape of fire just like yours in the same spot. You’ve been asleep for a few minutes. That’s it. I was climbing up from the ballroom when your wave hit me. I’m like your brother now. I guess. But a few lifetimes ago, I had kids with Carly, an Epicene. You’ve got to be one of my descendents.” He’s got to be crazy. Me, one of his descendents? And… wait…

“So… Why were you in the ballroom?”

“Oh, I was looking for…. Umm… A box. That I hid here in my past life. It holds a lot of my personal belongings. Oh, and an old Epicinean artifact that I sincerely hope I don’t have to use on you.” Okay, this is getting weird. I gave him a funny look, and he rolled his eyes as Megan flew in. He muttered something under his breath about how “Crazy women. They never understand.”

“What was that purple light, and… Robbie! What have you done!?” She screamed, running over to me and running a finger through my bangs.

“What- I didn’t do anything!”

“Oh, yeah, sure you didn’t.” She obviously didn’t believe him, so we spent quite a while explaining the story to her. As we kept going, she got a more confused look on her face.

“So…. You’re telling me… That you two…. Are… Related!?” She seemed to be having a hard time understanding this. Just like I am.

“Yup.” Robbie seemed so matter-of-fact about it now. “Which means that you’ll have to learn how to use your powers.” He turned around to look at me.

“Umm… What do you mean? What powers? How would I learn?” I asked.

“Well, your powers would depend. You definitely have levitation… Maybe telekinesis.. Nothing else has really shown itself yet. We’ll have to see. Shockwaves might happen at will for you. I don’t really know.”

Tales of Malenatu: The Blue DragonladyWhere stories live. Discover now