Bayarrmaa, a Wedding, and a Disappearance

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“Clarissa! Your egg is hatching!” I was changing Rolenan’s diaper when Tadon called out to me.

“Coming!” I yelled back. I picked Rolenan up and quickly made way to the living room. There on the shelf in between the living room and kitchen was my homemade egg-holder. A beautiful, swirled, red and white egg sat in the center. Rena had let me borrow some of the sand from the Egging Sands for it. As long as I bring it back eventually. It was in the path of a window. This way, the sun shined on the sands for half of the day, heating to the perfect temperature for the egg. The holder was made of glass and it was a simple box. Inside, the egg was rocking. Gadarieth even started ranting a little bit for the new member of our family.

A little red head with white ears and a white patch over her left eye poked out of the top of the shell. Soon, a little, long, red tail with with spikes and a white tip swirled it’s way out of the bottom of the egg. Its cute, round head shook a little bit and the tail wiggled. Soon, cracks ran up the egg and little shards flew in every direction. The adorable one and a half inch tall pocket dragon shook its little head and looked back at its wet wings that were folded up and went back down to the ground. It looked up at me while it was sitting and chirped. I heard a small female voice enter my mind.

Are you my master? I’m hungry. Do you think that you could give me some meat? Her little red eyes stared up at me wide with wonder.

Yes. She is our tamer. She takes great care of us. I love her, and I’m sure that you will too. Now that is a voice that I know. That’s Gadarieth, welcoming Bayarrmaa.

So what is my name, master? the small, feminine voice asked.

“Your new name is Bayarrmaa, dear.”

Bayarrmaa. We like that. Me and Camo. said Gaddie.

“Good. Now let me see what I have.” I went to my storage center for food and rummaged around. Finally! Walking back over, I noticed that Baya (That’s my little nickname for her) had stood up and was drying off her young, fragile wings. She was mostly red with white ridges along her back and her wing bones. Her stomach was white too. Red legs turned white at the feet, and white designs layered her beautiful, fragile wings. I picked her up in one hand, and had a small amount of meat that was very soft and easy to chew in the other. I put my hands side by side and watched her eat from my palm. She was so cute.


Oh, I’m so nervous! I wouldn’t stop pacing. Megan had to force me down in a chair. I wonder if Tadon’s as nervous as I am. Or Liam or Ratego or Jay. Maybe Caden and Robbie too. Oh, I can’t stop moving my hands. They’re shaking.

“Look, Clarissa. I’m nervous too. Caden’s just staring out a window and Liam is looking at the wall. This is the biggest decision of our lives. But I truly think it’ll be worth it. Besides, we’re all in this together.” Megan was trying to keep us all under control. I should help her. It must be hard.

“I know. But everyone we know is going to be there. Four weddings all in one. This is a busy day. I can feel Gaddie pacing.” I said to her, looking up at her. She rolled her eyes, then went to go brush her hair. Again. For the fifth time this hour. I had done it three times. Caden has done it once, and Liam doesn’t need to. His hair is so short, he just puts his hand on his head and it lays flat.

I heard bells. It’s time for us to go up! Oh god, oh god, oh god. Caden was in a very light pink, almost white gown that went down to her ankles. It was skin-tight with straps that never surpassed her shoulders. Her shoes were see-through and zipped up the inside edges of each shoe. White frames decorated it all the way around while white see-through cloth filled up what was left up to the ankle. Her short, brown hair bounced with every step. The dye had gotten stuck in it and wouldn’t wash out, so she was a little on edge. Hopefully this helps her mood.  Almost like Samantha’s red bangs. Megan had a pure white dress that dragged to the ground. Her long golden hair fell past her waist, and her dress’ straps went to her elbows. It flowed outwards a little below the waist, but stayed tight above it. Her white shoes strapped in two places around the heart of her foot with a flower on the outside heel of each one. Liam was in a white suit and had a small hat on. I was wearing a light blue, almost white dress that also dragged on the ground. It had no straps and wrapped around skin-tight above the waist. On the waist, a band with a jeweled flower separated the top and bottom halves. Below the waist, it was ruffled and went in layers all the way down to the ground. My high heeled shoes looked like they had been wrapped around my foot in the same light blue. My long hair was in the same fashion as it was for the Counseling. Straightened, then curled, then pulled back into a ponytail with itself as the hair-tie.

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