I Get New Rules To Follow

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I opened my eyes and gathered my thoughts. I'd had a nightmare and had broken into a cold sweat. It was dark now, very dark. My Tamer necklace and glass Seers sat on the small table beside me. The window I stared out of as I lay on my left side with my hands under my head glowed with lunar light. I didn't want to move, it was so warm where I was, but I figured I had to. My breathing was shaky and kind of heavy, and I only wanted to calm down. Reaching out, my hand found my See-ers and they got placed on my face, sitting off my nose and allowing me to see. I sat up and moved so my legs hung off the bed. A small groan alerted me Tadon rolled over in his sleep. Pulling my wheel-chair closer to my body, I slowly and carefully lowered myself into it. The bed creaked under the weight change.

I really should order in new wood for the bed boards. A couple of new pelts wouldn't hurt either. As I mentally made a shopping list, I wheeled myself over to the window and gazed out at the stars. For a moment, I thought I'd spotted a dragon made completely of or on fire. There had been one in my nightmare just like it. I blinked, and then it was gone as soon as it appeared. I must be imagining things. I gently shook my head and heard the wooden boards of the bed creak again. I looked behind me, and Tadon had rolled over again, now curled up in a fetal position and facing the window I was at. He's so cute while he's sleeping. Well, I'm awake. I might as well work on the Hollow. Or at least get some orders in.

I wheeled through the doorway to my right into the living room. My spare bit of parchment and a quill sat on the coffee table next to a gray rabbit's pelt. Putting the pelt on my lap, I grabbed the parchment and quill. I found a way to cruise over to my table. I thought for a minute about all the things we'd need to really start this place up and finally began to write.

Shopping List

Fur Pelts

Wood For Bed Holders

Cattle For Feeding Grounds

New Furniture - Tables, Chairs, Infirmary Beds

Clothes Hangers

Sauces And Spices

Meats - Fish, Beef, Pork, Chicken

Mass Destroyers

Cookers - Gas Heater, Cooler, Sizzler

I contemplated my list and decided I'd take care of it in the morning. Bayarrmaa twitched in her sleep, so I went over to the glass egg and covered her in the rabbit's fur. Her twitching stopped and I caught a few mumbles from her.

Mmm... Warm... Sleep... Babies... I heard her snore a little and suppressed a giggle as I prepared to go back to sleep anyways. I left the parchment, but when I turned the wheel-chair around, I almost screamed. The figure of a man sat in one of my chairs. He was in the dark so I could only see his general shape and his ice-blue eyes that seemed to glow.

"Jeez... Atami, don't do that to me." I glared at the man who stood up at the mention of his name.

"We need to talk. It's important." He nervously looked around for anyone else before wheeling me into the empty hallway of Epicene Hollow.

"Y'know... I have a hard time considering this important because you're so silly. Caedamon... He's the deliverer or important news. You... You're fun."

"Not now, I'm not. Okay, I think we're safe here."

"What's going on, Atami?" I turned the wheel-chair to face him. He looked a little sad, then stared at the ground.

"When we rescued you, Narcyzash wiped everyone's memory of your Dark Days. They believe you were wrongfully accused because you were possessed. And Melody took it upon herself to punish you. She's now a fugitive."

"Wait, so all the gods are real?"

"Duh. The gods had a meeting to discuss your fate."


"And they made one of my angels your guardian. I can't tell you who yet, you have to figure that out. But they gave him rules to make you follow. And if you break them... My angel will cast you into the depths of Satan's cage for him to play with forever. Your soul will be ripped and torn, and eventually destroyed. That is how important this is."

"O-Okay." I nodded for him to continue while my brain wrapped around the new information.

"So, rule number one-"

"How many are there? 'Cuz I'm not gonna remember all these." Atami sighed, looking blatantly annoyed and conjured up a roll of parchment. As he stared at the floating parchment, his eyes glowed an unnatural blue and small lightning stained words onto the page. He handed the page to me and I carefully reviewed each rule.

1: Never speak of the gods to ANYONE.

2: Do not mention your Dark Days.

3: Do not talk about being possessed by Rabnahiaem.

4: Angels do not exist. Only carcoenians do.

5: You will not speak to a god unless spoken too.

6: You are no longer allowed to contact Atami.

7: You will accept punishment without a fight.

8: Do not go looking for Thrainyah, Sprakence, or Easeadinthin.

9: Your memory will be wiped after this encounter.

10: Do not fight your destiny.

11: When it's time, give up all dragons. Do not talk to anyone.

12: Do not have any more children. You will die.

13: Do not fix Epicene Hollow.

14: Erase yourself from history in 3 Passes.

I stared in disbelief at the words before me.

"Atami... What does all this mean?"

"The gods do not like you." He sighed. "And I cannot be seen with you." He snapped his fingers and with that, he was gone.


"Wait... Thricemom... Why can't you see Atami anymore? You guys are friends, right?" Damayanti stared at me with plain confusion splayed across her face. She stopped eating her chicken alfredo and put her fork down.

"Well... He just... He liked me. The others didn't. They wanted to make sure he didn't help me at all." I explained.

"Oh. That's bad. But if you can't have kids, how am I here?"

"Sweetie, your mom is Kat's daughter."

"Oh. So what happened next?" She started eating her dinner again as I continued my story.

"Well... I did follow the rules for quite a few Passes. Megan and I didn't meet while she was possessed by Rabnahiaem until about a Pass after I recovered."

"Ooh, start there again!"

"Alright, so Robbie, Caden, Kimmy, Liam and I went to go confront Megan. Gaddie still hadn't flown very well since I ripped off his wing patch. The only reason he could carry me home from the Punishment Islands was because he had a small fix that fell off when we landed. So Quiannan carried me to Divinite Pass where she holed up."


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