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The Threat

Heaven's pov

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Heaven's pov

I walked down the empty street, smiling at myself as I remembered today's events. I could say I was the happiest girl right now.

I liked yeonjun, he had been my crush for a very long time now and after today I was sure that he liked me too. When he asked me out I thought he was just messing with me but when he showed up today, I was completely shocked.

He asked me to be his girlfriend and of course I agreed, he was everything I've ever dreamt of. Beautiful, kind and good in almost everything. girls were head over heels for him but he chose me. I was happy.

I glanced at my watch, increasing my pace. It was already dark and I was late.

Suddenly I felt someone grabbing my arm and pulling me along with him
“what- stop don't touch me!” I yelled almost instantly, when I realised this is working I started to struggle and hit him, trying to free myself from his grip but it was of no use.

He dragged me towards a car, opening the door, he shoved me in the back seat with force and slammed the door shut. I tried opening the door again, the car began moving scaring me more but I still tried to get out.

“The door is locked, sweetheart” I heard a manly voice, causing me to turn back and look at the man.

He was sitting comfortably and watching me amusingly . I could barely see him..but his face looked familiar... I've seen him somewhere.

“who are you?” I questioned

“I thought you'd recognise me, baby” he leaned closer causing me back up instantly. Now I can see his face more clearly.

“I'm your soon to be husband, jungkook, Jeon jungkook”

Jungkook....yes I've heard this name..and seen him too....on the tv.

I take a sharp intake of air when I realise who he is, trembling in horror. And for the first time, in a long time, I'm actually scared. Scared that my life will be ending.

Jeon Jungkook. In other words, likely the most insane man in the world. Suspected to be associated with the killings of thousands, having a huge business of illegal weaponry.

The sad thing is, that he's never actually been caught for committing a crime. So he can freely roam the streets if he chooses to, and I guess he chose to prowl tonight.

It's not that his business that scare me, however, it's the heinous crimes that he's been suspected for in the couple years that do.

More than hundred people who have gone against him have gone missing, found later on the side of the River, each covered in ungodly cuts and bruises and announced beaten to death.

And now I have this deep gut feeling that that will be me next. Tortured and beaten till I'm worthless with no desire to live, then carelessly tossed into the river like the others.

“why am I here? What do you want?” I stutter out words that I barely hear myself. Soon to be husband he said earlier... But I hope that's just a way to scare me.

“you” he stated as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

My heart raced, I began to hypervent “stop the car!” I yelled at the driver but he ignored. I turned back around trying to open the door again.

Jungkook grabbed my arm harshly as he pulled me closer to him, our faces just few centimetres away. I bet he could feel my trembling body.

“listen to me, heaven. I'm done being nice to you and I'm going to be straightforward now” he stated..he even knows my name.

“I want to marry you, this is not a proposal but an order. you will marry me with your own consent. Don't make me force you” he threatened.

“Our wedding is set for the next week so you better be prepared for it” he lets out but more softly this time. Tucking my hair behind my ear before giving a quick kiss on my forehead. I was too shocked to comprehend anything that's happening.

The car stopped, I turned around to find that now we were in front of my home.

I scoot away from him instantly, trying to open the door and this time it was unlocked. Opening the door I ran out of the car as fast as I could not even daring to look back once. Thinking that it was all over now.

But It was just the beginning of my terrible life....

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