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The Call

Heaven's pov

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Heaven's pov

I can feel the lingering pain in my chest, a deep ache in my heart and body. I don't understand why he couldn't have just killed me by now.

I'm forced to live and suffer in a never-ending nightmare that I can never seem to wake up from. So I just cry, hoping someone will see me and the pain I endure. That someone will see and have the courage to end it for me. To take away my endless tears and send me to a better place.

I lay on the bed and curl up into a ball as I weep, the number of tears creating puddles beneath me. After a while the door slowly opens and I feel a presence behind me.

Jungkook stands at the end of the bed, and my mind daydreams that he'll pull a gun out and shoot me already. End me before he gets to have his fun.

"Heaven" he murmurs quietly, and I barely hear him over my sobs. My lack of response draws him nearer. His hand grazes my shoulder and I shrivel away from him, gasping for air as the tears continue to stream fiercely.

"please don't cry"

His voice trembled as he said it, his fingers moving the damp hair from my cheeks. He stroked my back gently.

He held me close and while I should hate him, I clung to him. I needed comfort more than anything and if jungkook was the only way I could get it then I will take it. 'I am sorry' he says a quite few times but I was too tired to talk or think straight so I just fell asleep in his embrace.

Slowly the nights turned into weeks, weeks turned into months and since that day, me and jungkook didn't speak to eachother. I would try to avoid any possible conversation with him and he wasn't even home most of the time.

But I was going crazy alone, I believe the idea of solitary can be therapeutic but to be in complete isolation is a horror beyond words. I had no one to talk to except niya who was busy with her work almost all the time. Talking about her I still remember how she told me that she wanted to get into art academy but couldn't because she was ought to pay off her family's debt. I guess dreams and expectations also have a very dark flipside of disappointment.

"can I leave early today, please?" she asks, making me look at her with confusion but I decide not to question her about it. I nod in response, giving her a light smile before she leaves.

I yawned as I turned over to my front lying on the couch as the TV blared in the background I wasn't even listening, more deep in thought about whatever came to mind.
But then something catches my attention, something that has been kept away from me ever since I arrived here, A phone.

I instantly got up, someone must have left it by mistake because I haven't seen one in a while. Picking it up I quickly dial the only number that was in my mind, my heart races as I hear the ringing sound hoping someone picks it.

"Mom...?" I trailed off

"heaven, sweetie is that you?"

"yes mom, Are you alright? and how's dad doing? is everything okay?" I ask too many questions at once, afraid that someone might catch me.

"We are okay! Tell us about yourself, are you doing well? Where have you been all this time? did he hurt you?" her voice laced with worry and eagerness as if she was waiting for me to call for an eternity.

"Please don't worry about me, mom. I'm happy and jungkook- he treats me well" I staightforward lied, I knew they would never stop worrying about me so the best is to act like I'm happy. We exchanged few more words and I strictly told her not to try to contact me, unless I'm the who reaches her.

"Mom I need to go now, I'll call you again, okay?" with that I ended the call.

But before putting the phone back in it's place, someone crossed my my mind, Yeojun. I should talk to him knowing that I might not get this golden opportunity again. I dialed his number and waited for him to pick up, but even after few attempts he didn't. I Sighed in disappointment, maybe another time.

I put the phone back in it's place and head towards my room, closing the door I plop onto my bed and continue to daydream and eventually falls asleep.


I heard the door being harshly slammed opened, waking me up from my sweet dreams. It was jungkook, looking furious as ever and holding a phone infront of my eyes.

"What is this?" I look at jungkook dumbfounded but then realised how bad I fucked up.

I forgot to delete the call history.

He massages his temple in frustration. Cleary fed up of me.

"Answer me!" he yells, throwing the phone across the room in aggression completely breaking it. My body can hardly react quick enough. All I know is that I need to run. And go far as I can get.

I ran, I don't look back-And I run like I'm being chased by a ferocious beast. Because the person who is chasing me is the human equivalent. The hallway I run down seems to never end. I want to shout and scream for help, but there's no one.

The hallway opens up into a dimly lit living room and I stop, out of breath. "O-oh my god." I stutter in fear before sprinting in terror. I have to find a way out, but the endless doors I fly past make my vision dizzy and the hallway walls start to close in on me.

I've reached a dead end. Either which way I look, there's no way out. I can't go out like this. I hear Jungkook's yells in the distance. Vicious howls that bounce off the walls.

My mind can't comprehend what's happening, or where to go. It doesn't seem like there's anywhere to go. I feel dizzy, tears flood my cheeks and down to the collar of my neck the sobs that follow making it harder to keep running. I give into my burning limbs and fall on the ground letting the darkness consume me.

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