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The pain

Heaven's pov

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Heaven's pov

"I told you I'm sorry, I won't do it again!"

"I know you won't since you will remember this everytime you think of running away again" he spat, I can feel anger resonating from him.

"I just wanted to go home" I sobbed, unable to hold myself together. I looked down at my feet, his gaze too menacing to hold.

"You are home! So I don't want to hear that crap ever again from you! the quicker you realise that this is the place where you belong and forget everything the happier you will be" he hisses, taking a step towards me. I hiccup and force back tears, shuddering under his stare. I briefly closed my eyes, preparing myself for what's coming. being terrified was an understatement for me.

My eyes opened in horror as I hear the tackling sound of opening up of his belt. He wraps the belt around his hand. "please, I said I'm sorry!" I cry out in distress as his vicious figure approached me. It felt like my pleas only encouraged him to go on and so he did.

His belt landed on my arm leaving a red mark. I try to pull away but to no use the leather belt hit my skin, again, and again, and again, no matter how much I squirmed. I screamed at the searing pain that kept increasing with very single second nothing had hurted so bad in my entire life. The pain reverberated like in earthquake deep into my consciousness.

Slowly my screams turned into whimpers, I sobbed so hard that my chest began to hurt. In the end I just curled up covering my head with arms and hoping that he'll get enough soon. He only stopped once he had made sure that he had not left a single inch on my body painted in red.

I sat their crying, sobbing uncontrollably. trying to catch my breath in between of my sobs. And once again I was reminded of my helpless situation and the traumatic events that would probably continue on for however long he planned on keeping me.

I was completely defeated and had no chance of survival, but I wasn't going to give up. By any chance if he thinks that his actions would make me stay then he was completely wrong, it makes me want to get away from him even more and I will get away from him even if I have to face my death, I won't regret it.

Jungkook's pov

My heart thrummed painfully in my chest. I absolutely hated her seeing shed tears over anything but she makes me lose control. Her presence is unlike others. I wanted to love her, and protect her, but I fear I might hurt her far worse than anyone ever could.

The thought of her leaving me makes me insane. The longer time I spend with her, the closer I get to her skin, the harder it is for me not to ravish her but she doesn't wants me and it hurts, I believed that once we were bound with eachother for our entire lives, She would at least show me some kind of affection but she didn't. I've never been loved in my entire life, yet I was trying to love her, but I was failing miserably.

My phone rang for the hundredth time, drifting me away from my endless trail of thoughts "What is it?" I asked, completely ignoring what taehyung was yelling from the other line. "where the fuck are you! I've been trying to call you for so long"

"listen, I'm not in the mood to talk right-"
"No listen to me first, I don't know what happened earlier but I think you should take a look at what I just sent" I ended the call right way and checked whatever he wanted me to.

My mind went blank looking at it, how could I have been so absurd? I rushed out towards my car, my blood boiled as every second passed by and my head hurted. I sped down the road, my grip on the wheel tightening as I got angrier and angrier by the moment. I got out of my car and walked in pushing men out of my way who were getting high as they paid to fuck the girls here.

"Where's jake?" I asked one of the workers glaring at him as he looked at me confused but then looked at me properly and his eyes widened "I'll take you to him" he quickly said before he walked in front leading me up the stairs.

There he was, making out with a random girl. Just as her eyes landed on me she pushed off jake and quickly ran away. Turning around, jake's eyes widened "Oh...boss, how can I help?" He asked with a smile, I could tell he was scared.

I stormed over to him taking him by the collar before pushing him against the wall with a thud he hissed in pain "Did I fucking give you permission to touch my wife like you did?" I spat glaring angrily at him.

"I don't know what your talking about man" he slurred out as I held his collar tight probably strangling him.

"You touched her, how dare you could do anything to her! apart from that you lied to me" I angrily said throwing him against the wall and throwing my fist in to his jaw with full force he yelled out in pain as he spat out blood.

"Fuck!" He cried out as I smashed his face on the glass table, holding his jaw, he falls on the floor.

"Get the fuck up!" I yelled pulling him up and throwing my fist in to his face continuously holding him up until he fell limp to the floor, unconscious or probably dead.

With my anger boiling I left the room pushing people out of my way and leaving the building before I got in to my car and sped down to my home.

Don't be a ghost reader please!

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