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The happiness

The happiness

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Heaven's pov

My eyes droop and burn but I don't want to wake up. I was having the most magnificent dream that I didn't want to end, but I was getting pulled out of it too fast to stop.

I shift a litte but stop as I feel a heavy arm dangling over my waist. that's when everything hit me like an oncoming train.

I don't panic-thankfully, but my eyes fly open in realization.

I'm flush against his body, with my head burrowed into his neck, his hands over my waist holding me firm in his embrace.

I try to get away but he pulls me back. his hand slowly rubbing my back to soothe me. My body slowly relaxes and I fall back asleep.


I slowly let myself wake up again and my eyes adjusting to the sun rays that beamed through the window, the rays were blocked by a Jungkook who stood with his towel wrapped around his waist, his body was still wet as little droplets of water trailed down his toned abs.

“Get ready, I'm taking you out” he says as he notices that I'm awake.

I nod my head in response and got out of the bed, making my way towards the bathroom.

I turned on the shower and slowly started to wash myself as numerous thoughts went through my mind. He's taking me out? All of sudden? Did he forgot about yesterday? Or is it a trap?

As soon as I get done, not thinking much about anything I make my way downstairs, where jungkook was waiting for me.

The car ride was silent, I looked at him side eyed and he looks calm, nothing like what I encountered last night.

“if you wanted to talk to your parents, you could've just asked me for it” he speaks, breaking the silence bewteen us.

“I thought you'd deny” I answered truthfully, fiddling with my fingers due to nervousness and he sighs.

“I don't want you to do that again, okay? I hate when people hide things from and.. I'm sorry for yesterday, I was just... frustrated”

My brain stops functioning at his respone. Did he just apologized to me? Well he has much more to apologise about and it's so delusional of him to think that I'd ever forgive him.

After a while, the stops the car at completely green fields. He turns off the car and comes to my side, offering me his hand for help. As I get out I could feel the fresh environment, the most mesmerizing view in my sight.

Jungkook takes a hold of my hand and lead us somewhere, as we walk in a specific direction I notice that a black shiny horse stood ahead of us.

And just as I thought, it was there for us. Jungkook pets the horse and it seems to react lovingly at his touch. After that he tells me to get on it and I shook my head “no! I'm not experienced, I'll fall!”

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