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The Killer

Jungkook's pov

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Jungkook's pov

“But you do remember me? What are you even saying” I asked her in confusion.

“I-I have no memories, I can only remember your name and that-” she pointed behind me at the picture frame, looking at the photo which was taken on our wedding day, that I always keep there.

“We are married right?” she questioned.

“Yes” I said firmly.

I gestured to the caretaker to leave the room since I wanted some privacy.

“Heaven look at me, it's alright. Don't worry about anything” I comforted her since she seems really tensed.

But I really needed to clear some things and so I began asking her. “Do you have any memories...of how you ended up being in coma?”

She nodded slowly “that man...he's disgusting...he hurted me and then threw me in the water to die.”

“Taehyung?” I questioned and she nodded.

So she did remember taehyung but not me.

But I wasn't mad at all. Infact I was relieved. Call me selfish but isn't it all I've ever wanted? To forget every terrible thing I did to her?

It felt like a miracle. As if destiny had given me a second chance to make everything right.

The way she hugged me, the way she trusts me now was unbelievable. Her eyes didn't held any hatred for me like before.

But still I consulted the doctor to know if it's something serious, I got to know that her memories are distorted, it happens in rare cases when you can only remember some events and people.

And coincidentally she only forgot about me. It was really a miracle, a big one and my only chance to make things better.

end of pov


Jungkook finally found taehyung, the day he has been waiting for so long. His men found taehyung in another country and brought him back to jungkook.

“You know what, taehyung? unknowingly you did a favour to me” jungkook chuckled looking at taehyung's terrible state. He had blood all over his face.

“She lost her memories, She doesn't ever remember the things I did to her she only remember what you did” he continued

“I personally don't think it's something to be happy about jungkook.” taehyung muttered mockingly.

“Maybe the things I did to her wasn't even that bad... You did much worse things to her and that's why she forgot about you and only you” he added.

“Shut up! I don't fucking care! She loves me now and that's all I ever wanted!” jungkook caught taehyung collar, ready to end him right now.

“Love?” Taehyung laughed.

“One day she's going to remember everything and then she's going to hate you even more.”

“I'll take care of that, at least I'm trying to be better.” jungkook replied.

“Jungkook.... Jungkook you will never change and you know that. She doesn't remember anything but it didn't mean that those things never happened. Like who goes around killing their own child then acting like they didn't do anything?”

Taehyung looked at jungkook, knowing his words were hitting jungkook like daggers.

“You manipulated me to do that!” He still remembers Taehyung's words from that one day.


“What if the child isn't yours? She used to date that guy right? What was his name.... yeonjun yes yeonjun right?” taehyung mumbled, fake concern dripping through his voice.

“No it's not possible” jungkook replied, he perfectly remembers that he's the one who took her virginity.

“how are you so sure, jungkook? What if they met multiple times even after your marriage? It's possible, if that guy is smart enough to get her out of your place, he can do anything”

Taehyung knew his words were like fuel in the fire, knowing how jungkook's mind works, he was definitely going to do something stupid.

“Look I'm not telling you to do anything, I just want you to be aware that's it”  taehyung instantly added, not wanting jungkook to doubt him in any way.

Flashback ends

“You're not a fucking kid jungkook! You did that because you didn't trusted your wife. Now don't blame me” taehyung yelled back.

“I already regret that okay! Do not remind me of that incident!” jungkook left taehyung, grabbing his own hair in frustration.

He really didn't wanted to kill his own child, but taehyung's were affecting him a lot. He believes that everything he did was just a mistake and he only did that out of desperation.

But jungkook is one lucky man. Heaven literally saw him pushing her that day, she even called him ‘jungkook’ but still she didn't blamed him.

Maybe because her vision was too blurry after jungkook drugged her food on purpose and she trusted him too much, how naive she could be? Jungkook thought.

Also to avoid any suspicion, he had to act a certain way with heaven, making her believe that it was her fault that their child died.

But good thing, she doesn't remember anything now. So jungkook doesn't have to worry about anything.

“So fucking stupid she is! Before taking her with me, I even hinted to her that you're the one who did all that. But I guess you won jungkook, however you're a murderer and will always be one.” taehyung scoffed.

“Enough! You should be begging me for your life and you have the audacity to talk back?” jungkook wailed in anger.

“I'm not afraid to die” Taehyung stated.

“Alright. Then Go, drown him in the same place he tried to kill heaven” jungkook ordered his men.

I was thinking to wrap up the story in the next two chapters but then another idea struck me. So Should I just complete it or you all are willing to wait for more chapters?

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