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The sorrow

Heaven's pov

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Heaven's pov

"Please don't hurt me" I sobbed uncontrollably, my anxiety started to rise by second.

"Why would I want to hurt you? you are the love of my life, the future mother of my children. I'd never hurt you" he speaks, his voice laced with amusement, as if he was taunting me and an evil grin plastered on his face.

I was froze in my spot, but I needed to save myself. So I try to run past him only to be pulled back in no moment. His grip tightened around my hair as cried out, tears running down my face.

"now now, why would you do that? Did you really think you could get away from this?" he chuckles and my fear rises.

I couldn't speak. Every muscle in my body screamed at me to flee, but I remained frozen. I looked at him for couple seconds, my heart pounding against my chest heavily. His eyes showed no emotion, no love, no mercy, no nothing.

I suddenly wanted to turn small and crawl into mothers's lap, I can't take this anymore, I want to disappear and never come back.

He drags me out of the lounge and shoves me inside a car, I start kicking and hitting him, still not submitting to him. But then he grabs jaw forcefully and turns my face to the side. I feel a sharp pain on me neck, something penetrated my skin.

My head hurted so bad. The floor swayed beneath me. The last thing I saw before the darkness consumed me completely was his eraged face.


My eyes snap open, I was covered in a cold sweat. looking around the room I found that I was already back in his place.

I got up cautiously, shivering, rub head and eyes trying to fully awake myself.

Suddenly I feel someone grabbing my wrist and I turn around to find jungkook. He doesn't wait for me to speak or even get back to my senses and yanks me along with him.

We reached the end of the stairs and just as we enter the basement my life flashes before my eyes.

I see yeonjun, lying unconscious on the hard concrete ground and my breath hitches when I look beside him. Niya, she was there too.

She looks at me with her red eyes, begging me to save her. Her hair looks messy, her eyes swollen and overflowing with tears and fear. Blood dripping down from the corner of her lips.. then her gaze diverted towards jungkook and she looks at him with terror as he aims his gun at her

"please- no it's my fault. I'm sorry!"

I try to stop him but it was too late. The bullet punched it's way through her neck, causing a gaping hole in its wake that quickly filled with blood and gushed out. Niya fell to the ground, a pool of blood forming around her and soaked into her clothes as she choked to death on it.

I cried watching the dreadful sight. Jungkook let go of my wrist and walks towards yeonjun. He kicks on side multiple times causing yeonjun wake up and cough. He looked so weak.


I try to reach him but but jungkook's men held me back. Yeonjun looked so miserable and in pain, his face covered in blood, I could only imagine what these man did to him.

"Let him go! What's his fault? He didn't do anything" I cried

"He tried to get in the way of our love."

I looked at him with pure disgust. Is this what he calls love? I looked back at yeonjun, I let out a desperate cry, my only wish at that moment is that he stays alive.

"You need to get out of here at any cost" He said in a low voice, he was barely able to talk. How could he say that? He should be worrying about himself right now, not me.

"Please, heaven" he said. I wanted to hug him, I wanted to tell me how much I love him so I again try to go near him but it all went down the drain.

As jungkook men dragged me away from him, yeonjun began to laugh. Jungkook glared at him with hatred and said "What the fuck are laughing at?"

"You think she'd ever love you after all this?" He chuckled and continued "you're insane, She would never ever love someone like you-"

Yeonjun was cut off when jungkook gripped the collar of his shirt, pulling him up.

"So desperate to die, aren't you?" Jungkook spat.

"Please, kill me in front of her, make her even more terrified of you. The more you hurt me, the more you show who you really are. You're a psychopath and even worse, you're a monster and will always be one."

I gulped hearing his provoking words, there's no way jungkook would let him live after this, and the worse thing is that i could do nothing to save him, I could just stand and cry, looking at the love of my life dying in front of me.

"You know, everyone is a monster to someone, since you are so convinced that I'm yours. I will be it"

Jungkook muttered, grabbing yeonjun's jaw roughly and forcing him to look into his eyes, yeojun tries to fight back his strength was nothing compared to jungkook's.

Blood popped from yeonjun's mouth and onto jungkook and the floor. My heart broke at the sight, I trashed aroud trying to break free from the grip of these man, I can't let him die.

"Jungkook stop!" I screamed and surprisingly he did. But my face droop in pure horror when I watched him taking his gun out.

"No no no jungkook stop! Please, leave him alone! Kill me! Not him please" I cried, A great tremor overtook me.

My head spinned as I heard the the loud sound of gunshot firing. I close my eyes and my hands over my ears. I don't want to witness it.

Streams of tears flowed faster than my heartbeat but I felt numb, I feel like completely shutting down, closing off.

Yeonjun was dead, his body showed no movement. his entire face dripping in red and that was the last time I saw him.

Jungkook comes back to me and grabbed my hair roughly, pulling me out of the basement and dragging me back upstairs.

"It's going to be a long night for you"

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