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The Confrontation

Getting done with all her daily work, Heaven was finally free and as usual jungkook wasn't home

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Getting done with all her daily work, Heaven was finally free and as usual jungkook wasn't home.

Feeling so tired, she decided to have a coffee and read a book in peace. She sat down on the couch and relaxed as time passed by.

She heard someone's phone ringing, and it wasn't hers, it was jungkook's. In these past 5 years this is the first time he left it behind. He has always been careful and heaven found him really suspicious.

She went ahead but didn't pick the call. After a few seconds, someone sent a few texts to him.

Heaven holds the phone close to her contemplating if she should unlock it. She already knew his password because she have peeked through his phone multiple times while he was using it.

Finally having a little courage she unlocked his phone and read through the texts. It was from one of his men who worked for him. She gasped in shocked, there was a video too, she clicked on it.

Unable to handle the gore, instantly she closes the video she put the phone back in its place. She just witnessed a man being murdered.

It's quite normal, it should be extremely normal for her because that is exactly what jungkook does and she's aware of it. But she can never get used to it, heaven hates it. and that man who was killed, he looked familiar. she knows that man, she has seen him somewhere.

Slowly she clearly remembers that man, she saw him just two days ago when she dropped seol to school. She had a small argument with him over something but it wasn't that serious.

She knew jungkook was always keeping an eye on her but this is too much. She didn't exactly know that he keeps a track on her every single minute. She never thought jungkook would take it to this extreme level.

This isn't just a small incident. People are losing their lives, and the reason is heaven.


Heaven was pacing around her room, waiting for jungkook to arrive, desperately wanting to confront him without even thinking about how he'll react to her.

2am, the door finally opens. Jungkook was surprised to see heaven wide awake.

"Why are you still up?" he questions.

"jungkook we need to talk." Heaven replies hesitantly.

"What it is?" now his all attention was on her because she seemed serious. For a moment he panicked..does she remembered everything?

She catches his hand and takes him out on the balcony, not wanting her already asleep baby to get disturbed by their talks.

"What is this?" she asked, showing his phone.

"You went through my phone?" he raised his eyebrows.

She huffs "That's not the problem here jungkook, you- why are you doing this?" She shivered as the cold gust of wind hit her, it was a really chilly night.

"That man, he argued with you. He might have hurted you. So I did what I had to." he simply replied, not being bothered by it at all.

"I already told you I do not like you keeping an eye on me! I'm tired. I can't go out alone, I can't do anything by myself. At least let me have some privacy" she spoke, trying her best to not yell.

"Can't you see? I'm protecting you."

"Protecting? Jungkook you're not protecting me. This is just an excuse. This might not be something serious for you but I do not want people to die because of me!"

Jungkook just looked at her without saying anything, he couldn't even understand why she's so mad over that man. It's not a big deal, definitely not worth arguing over. He had done it multiple times in the past too, and he'll do it again if he has to.

"I'm tired of this jungkook i think... maybe we need a break-"

Abruptly she felt a stinging sensation on her face, her face turned to the side as tears already welled up in the corner of her eyes.

Jungkook just slapped her.

"Don't ever, ever say that again." Jungkook warned.

First time, in past 5 years he did this, but surprisingly she's not shocked, as if all this had happened before, even worse. She knew If she gets on his nerves, he'd hurt her. And it turned out to be completely true.

"You need privacy? Fine! Then stay here for the rest of the night!" he yells, locking her outside to stay in the cold.

She could already feel her whole body turning cold, she didn't say a word and just watched jungkook leave her. Her mind is too dizzy because of stress.

"I hate you, jungkook" she mumbled before closing her eyes and letting the darkness take over her..


Jungkook was there by her side when she woke up, finding herself in her comfortable bed.

"Are you okay? You fainted last night" he asked concernedly.

She nodded her head slowly as didn't even looked at him, he left her out in cold and now he's asking her if she's okay?

"Heaven listen to me. I hate seeing you suffer. But last night you crossed the line. You want a break after everything we went through together? You can't even remember how we were so in love" he tried manipulating her again.

Jungkook slowly caressed her check, the bruise was clearly visible on her face. He did feel bad.

"here, take this" he handed her water and the drug that keeps her memories of the past sealed. He carefully watched her gulping it down, making sure she eats it in front of his eyes.

"I'll be going now, take rest"

When he left, heaven hurriedly made her way towards the bathroom to throw up the medicine, she purposely didn't swallowed it.

It's too much now, she can't handle jungkook anymore. She can't ignore his red flags anymore. She always found him suspicious, how he's so careful about her taking her meds, after all these were just some vitamins? Why would he stress over it so much? It made heaven overthink everything.

She reached early to pick seol from the school and waited inside the building for a specific someone.

If the driver sees her talking with him, he'll surely inform jungkook. So it's better if she's out of sight.

"Hi" heaven greeted him as she saw him.

"Hey, is something wrong?" he questions finding looking really stressed. She looked up to him and spoke.

"Jimin, I need your help."

I want to make it clear, There's no love triangle in this story!!!

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