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The Agony

Jungkook's pov

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Jungkook's pov

"J-Jungkook ple-please help me!"

She sobbed, her lips trembled as she said that. A flood of tears gushed down her cheeks. She swiped at her eyes but the tears came any way. She had wiped her eyes so much they were red and swollen.

I try to run towards her but I couldn't, as if some weird force was holding me down. I try, again again and again but failed.

"Heaven, are you okay? Please don't cry. I'm here!" I yelled, my heart broke looking at her terrible state.

Suddenly, A man appeared behind her. Holding a knife againt her neck. The man's face was blurry, I couldn't make up who it was.

My eyes diverted towards her, She looked so helpless and terrified, I needed to save her.

"No! Leave her! I'll fucking kill you if you lay a finger on her."

I screamed at the man, my blood boiled. I wanted to strangle him to death for holding a knife againt the love of my life.

But my threats weren't enough, I couldn't do anything to save her.

"Jungkook... I-I love you..... Please..save me..."

My eyes suddenly snap opened, my heart raced so fast that I could hear it. I sit up, holding my hair in furstation.

These nightmares seem never ending.

This is what's been happening with me for a while. I couldn't sleep ever since heaven left, every single day I have these dreams where she's in trouble and asking for me to help.

I knew something was wrong, and I needed to find her before something horrible happens.

If I have to burn this whole pathetic world down just to find her, I will.

Heaven's pov

Can one wrong decision change Your Life? The answer is, yes. absolutely yes.

I never knew this one decision can lead to worsening my situation. I ruined everything, completely. In just one night, my life changed.

Out of desperation, I trusted taehyung. I thought I could be free, not knowing I was getting into another trap. A trap that was more more worse than before.

I was hurt, mentally and physically. But the betrayal is what completely shattered me.

I thought I knew taehyung but I was wrong, so wrong. He's not what he pretends to be. He manipulated me, he made me trust him. And I'm still completely unaware of why he's doing this.

An uneasy feeling took over me when suddenly taehyung entered the room.

"Jungkook was really harsh on me today, guess his wife has to pay now".

He said as he got closer to me. I couldn't move, the pain was too much making me incapable of doing anything at all.

He sat right beside, tucking my hair right behind my ear. "are you still hurt?" he asked, smiling at me and I wondered how someone can be so heartless.

I slapped his hand away "don't touch me" I warned

"Listen heaven, you have to start behaving decently. The fact that I can do anything with you and your beloved husband will have no clue. Can you imagine what I might do to you? Things you're blissfully unaware of? I can destroy you in hundred different ways and you could never see it coming"

He threatened, pulling me towards him. Holding my hand and twisting it behind my back in the most painful way.

"so now be a good girl, unless you want to die"

He whispered in my ear, the tears welled up in eyes as I got the painful flashback of the last time he hurted me.


"she tried to run away from the backdoor" the man informed taehyung who was looking at me with an amusing look.

He walked closer to me. "Why did you do that heaven, did you want to go back to jungkook?"

He questioned smiling at me.

"You know what, you're just as dumb as Jungkook is. That man, he's turning the world upside down to find you without having a clue what his dear friend is planning and here you are, thinking that there's a way out of here"

He laughed at my face and I could feel the anger rising within me.

"Jungkook isn't dumb, he trusted you!, You were the last person he'd ever think of being a traitor" I snarled.

I swear I would have slapped him on his face if I wasn't tied to the chair at this moment. He came closer to me, holding my jaw tightly and making me look at him.

"Watch what you say, I can end you right here, right now but I'm generous enough to let you live. Did you already forget what your beloved husband did to you? Oh and don't give me that look now, don't tell me you suddenly realised that he's the love of your life or whatever. "

With that he finally let go of my face and I looked down in disappointment.

"I didn't forget anything, taehyung. but at least he's better than a traitor like you. You are hundreds times worse than he is. And.. It was you.... Wasn't you? The one who pushed me that day? why are you doing this? What did I ever do to you! "

"Suddenly I'm a traitor because I didn't helped you out? Why didn't you thought about this before? Remember heaven you got yourself into this. I didn't forced you unlike your husband! And unfortunately I wasn't the one who pushed you but now I think I should have!" he yelled pacing around.

I was going to reply back but instantly closed my mouth when I noticed his actions. There was a metal pole lying by the floor and I gulped hard when he picked it up. I knew I fucked up, so bad.

Instead coming towards me, he went towards the fireplace. He placed the tip of the rod right above the fire. The metal rod turned red due to heat.

He looked at me and smirked, his intentions were pure evil.

"I've been with jungkook over ten years now and I'm not sure if you're aware of the fact that he isn't mentally stable. He has spilt personality disorder, he always does something out desperation and then his other personality always regrets! He always ruins everyone's life around him! I suffered so much because of him and you think I'm worse than him?"

I closed my eyes in terror when he approached me "taehyung, this is not right! You will-"

"it's alright, since you think I'm worse than him, I will be worse than him."

I couldn't do anything to defend myself, before I could even move, the hot metal rod touched my feet; I realised he was burning me.

The pain was so intense, so all-consuming, that I no longer knew where I was... the intense heat piercing every inch of my feet, I was screaming more loudly than I'd ever screamed in my life. In seconds, my feet turns bright red and gets swollen. I've never felt so much pain, there's no hope now.

"This will make sure that you never try to run again"


Everytime I think of ending this story with a happy ending, a new twist comes to my mind and I can't help it TT.

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