Beefhead almost angers a dryad [1]

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3rd Person PoV
A roar sounded deep in the trees. Up ahead was a pine tree with a dragon wrapped around the base of the trunk, right underneath The Golden Fleece. The boy and his protector ran and ran and ran. A tree was flung infront of the two boys, blocking their path. The satyr easily jumped over the uprooted tree, the boy however had a lot more difficulty in doing so.

Percy Jackson was on guard duty today. He was walking around trying to cure his boredom by trying to count the amount of thread on the Golden Fleece. Key word: trying. It didn't cure his boredom at all, it made it worse.

Percy's PoV
I'm on guard duty right now. It's boring. I have nothing to do!!! So I'm trying to count the amount of threads.. thread? Threads? Thread... yeah thread. I was trying to count the amount of thread on the Fleece when I heard a high-pitched scream. Me being me I started running toward the scream and guess who was there? Beefhead himself.. and a demigod, I think he's a demigod? I mean he has a satyr right behind him so he must be a demigod right? I uncapped Riptide and got into a stance. "Hey Beefhead!!!! Long time no see!!! Miss me?" The demigod and satyr looked at me like I was crazy but ran to the border anyway. I wanna have some fun!!!

The Minotaur started charging toward me. I waited until the last moment to jump out of the way and wedged Riptide into Beefhead's side to hurt him and climb his back. Unfortunately for me... the Fates hate me and love messing up my life so naturally I couldn't get my sword out of his side. Great. Just great. So I decided to go old school and defeat him like I did the first time. I grabbed onto his horn and pulled. Really really hard. Until it finally came out. I jumped off his back and decided to end the fight because I was really hungry!!! "Turn around!!! I'm over here!!! Unless you wanna kill a tree.... and anger a dryad I suggest you don't go that way." He came barreling towards me and this time I ran at him and yes I know 'Percy that's stupid! Why would you do that?' And yes I know he's stronger than me but I'm faster so as he reached out to grab me I slid under him and stabbed him in the heart. Then I heard cheering? Wait cheering? I realised I had an audience and bowed "Thank you. Thank you. Oh um quick questions. One: can I eat now? Is it lunch yet? And two: how long have you been here?" "We came a few minutes ago my boy and yes it's almost time for lunch" Chiron said and as if on cue, the conch horn rang... I thought only bells ring.. so do conches conch? Oh right I got the word! The conch horn was blown twice signalling lunch.

Hellooo everyone
How are y'all?
I'm horrible at writing 🤣
Maybe I should stick to reading....
Idk if the writing at the start was good tho.. oh! Right I forgot
So I wanna which ship you prefer. Tho I said it was Lukercy I wanna know if you guys want sthg else

Perianca (dunno if I spelt it right)
Percabeth (probably not but idk)
Or anyone else
I'm also gonna kinda follow the storyline of 'The Assassin Called Cedmi' or I might do the normal Chaos Betrayal story. Also if u wanna, read the assassin called cedmi story. It's really nice. The whole plot and stuff
Please comment ur decision or preference or whatever
Gods that sounds so formal 😂
Okay bai

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