Daughter of Athena? Yes. Smart? No. [2]

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3rd Person PoV
In the evening at around 4, Frank, Hazel, Jason and Piper arrived. Jason and Piper were always coming and going, with Jason being Pontifex Maximus and Piper tagged along, helping him. "Hey-" "-guys!!!" "Where's-" "Reyna?" (I wonder who said that....) "Hi Connor! Hey Travis! Reyna has Praetor duties, she couldn't come... something about leaving Dakota in charge..? Where's Percy and Annabeth?" Piper asked "We'll go ge- ow!!! Katie!!! That hurt!" Travis yelled. "Shut up Travis. Hey guys! I'll go tell them you're here." Katie turned to the Stolls, "Travis.... Connor..." "Uh-" "Oh..." "RUN!!!!!!" and the Stolls bolted, and I mean BOLTED.

Annabeth's PoV
Percy and I were sitting on the beach, talking peacefully..... until the Stolls arrived. "PEEERRCCCYYYYY" "ANNAABBEETTHHHH" they yelled at the same time. We just ignored them, they were probably running because they pranked the Demeter Cabin or in other words... angered Katie Gardner, which is bad. "What did you do this time Travis?" I said annoyed. "IT WASN'T JUST ME!!!!" "DON'T RAT ME OUT!!!!" that was when Percy started poking them "Uhh... Perce..??" "Whatcha doin...?" "Trying to find the volume button... Connor can you bend? I need to check the back of your neck." He said it so seriously that they almost bought it. Almost. "Stop it!!!" "We-" "wanted to-" "tell you guys that-" "Hazel-" before Connor could finish, Percy got up and started running. I was a bit shocked but I got up and started walking slowly towards where Percy went to.

I found him on the hill with Hazel and Frank. "Hey guys!" "Oh hi Annabeth!" "Where's Jason? Piper you can come out now" Percy said. "Damn it! How'd you know I was there?!" "Dam. It's dam it. Drop the n. Also you were talking to Frank and Piper when I came." Since when was Seaweed Brain smart..? "So any idea why we're here?" Asked Piper. "Huh? Whaddya mean Pipes? I thought you'd be happy to see me!" Yelled Leo halfway up the hill. We waited for him to get here and when he did he put a hand on his heart and 'fainted from heartbreak' as he put it. "Get up Leo" Piper chuckled. He got up and hugged Piper so hard you'd think they haven't seen each other in years. "LEO VALDEZ!!!!!" "Schist!! Umm oh! Pipes!!!! Can you pleaseee do this for me? Pretty please Beauty Queen?" "Fine Leo" rolling her eyes Piper yelled "Jason!! Come down here!! Leo didn't do anything wrong, you need to forgive him and not get mad. Okay?" Jason calmed down because it was Piper and because she put a lot of charmspeak in her words. I was about to say something when we got flashed to Olympus. Yes Olympus!! MY OLYMPUS!!!! I designed it!!

3rd Person PoV
The demigods were flashed to Olympus while they were talking.. rude much? The second they were on Olympus, Percy took out Riptide and got into a stance. He realised where he was and then slowly capped Riptide and put it in his pocket. "Sorry" he said sheepishly. "DEMIGODS!!" Zeus thundered (pun intended) "DRAMA QUEEN" Percy yelled back. Everyone held their breath, waiting for Percy to get blasted... but it never happened. Zeus just glared at Percy and continued. "As I was saying, we have summoned you to Olympus to give all of you your wishes. You may start now."

"Piper, my daughter. You have done me proud. Please step forward." Piper stepped forward cautiously. "We are turning all of you into gods. Piper, do you accept?" "I do." Aphrodite shot an orb at Piper. "All hail Piper McLean, goddess of natural beauty and minor goddess of charmspeak." (Basically the same thing happened to everyone so I'll just skip to Percy and Annabi- sorry Annabeth)
"Annabeth Chase. Do you accept godhood?" "Yes!!! Of course!!! I do!!!" "All hail Annabeth Chase, goddess of architecture and knowledge." Annabeth stepped to the side along with the others and Percy's heart broke- no it shattered. "Perseus-" "Percy" "Fine, Percy Jackson!!" "Yes?" "Do you accept godhood?" "No." He stated flatly. "But I do still get my wishes so if you don't mind Drama Queen, I would like to split my wish into three parts." "Fine" Zeus grumbled. "First I want Lord Hades and Lady Hestia to have thrones on Olympus and be on the council. Second I want there to be a portal between the two camps to help us keep in touch and also to help Jason. Can you do that?" "Yes.. we can" grumbled Zeus. He snapped his fingers and a throne appeared. It looked very cozy. Kind of like Aphrodite, it changed to appear what the person who was looking at it thought was cozy.

Time skip to when they go back to CHB and this is when Annabitch decides to make an appearance. I'll make a kinda filler chapter after this. It's so vague and confusing I got confused. I don't think that's supposed to happen.....

Annabeth's PoV (read Annabitch)

On the way, I saw this new kid.. I assumed he was new because he didn't have a bead on his necklace yet. "Hi!" "Hello" "I'm Annabeth" I put my hand out. "Keith" he shook my hand. His hand was so warm, and big, unlike Percy's tiny hands. Keith was tanned and he had muscles.... And probably an eight-pack under his shirt... Percy had a six-pack. He had electric blonde hair that looked like it could be combed and it naturally stood up, unlike Percy's hair... wild, untamed, messy. Percy was a bit cute but Keith... Keith was HOT. He also had the most beautiful brown eyes. "Uh uhm.. would you maybe like to go out with me?" He stuttered. "Yes! I would love to!" I replied with no hesitation. "Cool so.. tomorrow? I'll pick you up at 7?" "Sure!" I know what you're thinking 'Annabeth you have a boyfriend!' 'Oh Annabeth what about Percy?' Well let me make this clear. I never liked Percy. Honestly Luke was hotter than Percy. I only dated Percy to get recognition. To go on a quest. Now that I have the recognition I deserve.. I can now make a new hero out of Keith. I'll get more recognition and the respect I deserve. He'll give me credit and love me. Percy can go rot in Tartarus for all I care.

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