Do NOT swear in front of Hestia [5]

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3rd Person PoV

After writing the letters, I placed the main letter in the Big House and the other letters inside my pillowcase. I knew Nico or Clarisse would know where I put them.

I pet Peleus and started walking. I didn't look back. Okay that's a lie... I did look back, maybe 3 or 4 times? Alright fine! I looked back around.... Um 29 times. But that's besides the point!! I left and I was never going back. Not if I could help it!

I walked back home, to Mom and Paul's apartment.

On the way I encountered 2 dracanae and 1 hellhound. Hellhound.... Mrs. O' Leary!!! I miss her.

I reached the apartment and opened the door. I expected to be hit with the smell of cookies or the sound of people talking but.... All I smelt was burnt cookies and all I heard was.... Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Then I heard a hiss. It was faint but I could still hear it. I felt something creep up behind me and it was ready to attack. When it swiped at my head, I quickly ducked, rolled, turned around and uncapped Riptide. Effectively slicing off the monster's head. Before it turned into gold dust, in that split second; I saw an empousa. Kelli.

Then realisation hit me. If Kelli was here, and there were burnt cookies. What happened to Mom? Paul? My sister? What happened to them?

I walked toward the kitchen. What I saw.... It was so horrible and sad and wrong.... My shattered heart? It was turned into a fine powder, the particles tinier than sand or salt particles. I'll save you the details...

I couldn't take it anymore so I ran. I didn't know where I was going but I still ran. I ended up at a park. It was empty, which was weird because it was 4pm and it was normally very busy.

I didn't even notice the god appearing behind me. I was filled with emotions, none of them good. Unknowingly, I had started an earthquake.

"Perseus" a cold voice said from behind me. I turned around, uncapped Riptide and put it to the person's throat. Realising who it was, I removed Riptide from his throat and capped it. "Poseidon." I stated in an equally cold voice, if not colder. Why am I being cold you ask? Well.. let's see, he promised to protect my mom, Paul and my sister, he was willing to believe the lies that were spread had it not been for Zeus and Hades (surprising? I know.) and he almost disowned me, thinking I broke into his palace and stole his trident. Oh wait he did believe the lies and he did think I stole his trident.

"Why are you here?" I asked. "Perseus! How dare you kill your mother!! Come with me!" I was about to protest when he flashed us to Olympus. When we were in front of the Council he repeated what he said and I lost it... but in a cool way that freaked everyone out. "How dare me? How dare you!!! You are the one who promised to protect her. You are the one who was supposed to be watching over her and Paul and my sister. You-" "Sister? You don't have a sister. Perseus. And I did protect her. I did watch over her." "You just proved my point." "And what point is that?" Athena asked smugly. "Honestly for a goddess of Wisdom... you aren't very wise. And the point I was talking about was that Poseidon hasn't been watching over Mom. If he was, he would've known that she was pregnant. You just let my step-father, my sister and most importantly, my mother. Die. You let them die Poseidon. You. Not me." I said deathly calm. "A v-v-Vot-vote!!" Poseidon stammered. "Fine. All in favour of Perseus being killed?" Athena, Poseidon, Artemis, Ares, Demeter, Persephone, Hera. "All those in favour of Perseus living?" Hades, Hestia, Zeus, Hermes, Apollo. "Aphrodite!! Dionysus!!! What about you two?" Poseidon said desperately. "I'm neutral Zeus. And so is Dionysus." Aphrodite said the last part threateningly. "Yea yea whatever I'm neutral." He looked calm but I could tell he didn't want to mess with Aphrodite.

"It's decided now kill him Zeus!! Get it over with!!" "Now, now, Poseidon, patience. Let Drama Queen speak for himself." I said. "Poseidon, let Perseu- Percy say goodbye to everyone first." He quickly corrected himself with a glare from me. "Fine" Poseidon grumbled. "All gods and goddess who voted for me to live, please stay. The rest of you.. shoo!!" I made a go away gesture with my hand.

"Perseus" I glared at Zeus menacingly. "Percy..." he corrected himself. "Percy we need to ask you something." "I'm sorry... but I cannot give you my signature." At this, all of them chuckled. "No that's not what I wanted to ask you." "Nope! Can't give you a picture either." Zeus sighed. "NO. I wanted to ask you what your third wish is." "Third.... Oh!!! Right my third wish... umm I need the whole council to be here for that but I guess you guys are enough. Yeah so my third wish is for you guys to spend more time with the demigods." "But the laws-" "Fuck the laws!! Oww!! Lady Hestia!!!" "No swearing! And it's just Hestia" "Okay okay fine I won't swear. Oh umm sorry 'bout this. If you need anything, ask Nico." And with that I made an earthquake and knocked the gods out, Hestia being Hestia had already travelled away.

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