King Helmut [11]

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74 years later
Chaos is frustrated
Percy's eating blue brownies.... If they're blue then are they blue-ies?
3rd Person PoV
Chaos was in his 'Katharos Room'. What is that you ask? Well let me tell you.... He has a hunting room which is used for tracking down people he thinks are good enough to be in his army, he doesn't go to personally recruit anyone; but Katharos was a special case.

And now the room is filled with pictures of Katharos, things he likes doing, his last target etc.

His commanders call it 'The Katharos Room'.

Ever since the King Heljut incident, Chaos had had his eye on Percy.
In the many years he has been an assassin, Katharos and Chaos have only met 5 times.

A bit too many times for Percy's liking.

Way too little times for Chaos' liking.

People would be begging to be in the army. They do stunts or kill bad people hoping they get noticed by Chaos, but they soon realised that Chaos and his commanders could tell the difference between real talent and people who want fame.

Chaos thought Percy would agree instantly but..... that wasn't how it went.

5 hours after the Assassination of King Heljut (that name is so weird)

Percy was sitting in a tree, waiting for them to find the body. Five hours of waiting, he was beyond bored and was now counting the number of leaves on the tree.
He gave up on trying to think of a name long ago.

A few minutes later, they found the body. Mere seconds after that; Percy felt a strong aura behind him. The aura was powerful, more powerful than the Olympians or even Gaia for that matter. It was ancient.

He decided to not notice the aura and continue counting leaves.

He was on 23 when he was tapped on the shoulder.

This is kinda Chaos' PoV but still 3rd Person

I had a sword to my throat and another at the back of my head.
Okay Chaos' 3rd person thing's over

"Who are you...?" Percy asked.
"I, am Chaos." Chaos said.
"I repeat, Who. Are. You. Also you made me lose my count!! I was on 23!!" Percy said.
"Uh uhm I'm Chaos, The Creator." Chaos stuttered out. "The Creator of what? Bl- cookies?" Percy caught his tongue before he gave his identity away.
"No. The Creator of the Universe, of everything really."

"Oh cool. I'm Percy. So why are you here? I think you got the wrong person. I didn't do anything except for the fact that I killed Helmet over there." Percy said, removing his swords from The Creator's throat.

"No.. I have the right person, I came to ask you a question." "I am not fighting for you or being a pawn in your immortals games!" "No.. I was coming to ask if you wanted to join my army?" "Ohhh. No." Percy stated flatly and then he mist travelled away. Not before he said bye though! He has some manners

How are y'all?
I think I'll make a chapter for every time they meet....? Idk
I'll figure it out hopefully
Hope you're having an amazhang night/afternoon/day/evening!

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