Ingot and Kutch [8]

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Okay so ima just skip a few thousand years ahead or something.......
i have no idea where I'm gonna go with this sooo yeah

300 years later
3rd Person PoV

Darkness was all that could be seen. Footsteps, panting and rustling was all that could be heard.


It all stopped.

Nothing could be seen.

Nothing could be heard.

Until, a shriek cut through the cold, dark night.

The shriek of Injot and Kuhj. The two generals in the army.

Why were they killed you ask?

Injot was cruel, unjust. Kuhj was the smartest in the higher ranks. They were horrible people who had the king believing every word they said.

Together, they were thought to be unstoppable.


They were gone in seconds. One swipe of a sword and POOF!!!! Gone!


No one knew what Katharos meant, but that didn't stop them from being scared, terrified even, of him.
Katharos first started with King Heljut.
When he was bored, Katharos would go undercover to take down his target. If he wasn't in the mood and just wanted to watch fish documentaries and Finding Nemo, he would get it over with in minutes; seconds even.
Today was one of those days.
He just wanted to go home and eat some blue cookies.

Percy Jackson....
The bad luck magnet. Something always goes wrong when it comes to him. Always

Katharos dragged the two generals to the castle and put them on the thrones that were for the king and queen.

He quickly shadow travelled away. He prefers mist travel but when it comes to the job..... shadow is the best.

How can he shadow travel you ask? Well before he knocked the Olympians out, they blessed him. He has these powers thanks to them.

Percy's PoV
I felt a presence behind me. Well more like I knew that someone was going to teleport behind me.
I waited a few seconds.
The person was leaning forward, trying to scare me and grab me at the same time, so I beat him to it.

"I see you're still a child Lord Chaos," I smirked. "Stop it with the Lord stuff Katharos!!!! You're the worst!!" He whined. "Why're you here Chaos? I'm busy and I'm hungry so if you ain't here to give me food.... Scram!!" He opened his mouth to say something "No." I said flatly. "But you didn't even know what I was going to say!!" "Fine. Go ahead." I rolled my eyes. "Join my army. Be my heir. First-in-command. My right-hand man! Come on Persi!!!!" He said. "Oh! Well you shoulda said that!! I will most definitely say................. WHAT THE HE-" I said pointing behind him to distract him. It worked. I left him a little message.

Chaos's PoV
No and spending 300 years, tryna track me down, and failing! Come on man! You're literally the Creator! Use your voodoo magic! You have it for a reason!! And maybe next time, call your team or backup or whatever and don't engage in conversation! And when it's the hood...... it's KATHAROS!!!!!! See ya in 74 years LORD Chaos.

This is what he wrote in the sand; in 3.5 SECONDS!!!!!!
"Damn you Per- Katharos..."
Dam. Appeared in the sand.

I went back to Planet 1 or as my commanders call it, Planet Chaos.

Okay so that's it
I don't think I wrote about them blessing Percy tho....
But in case I haven't, this is what he got blessed with

Hades : the powers his demigod children have
Hestia : ability to summon food and control fire
Hermes : speed, agility and sneakiness
Apollo : archery skills (he still sucks tho) and he can heal fatal wounds (his or someone else's but it takes a lot of concentration)
Zeus : enhanced his water powers and Percy can go into his domain

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