Drama Queen Who?! Nah thats Chaos

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Gummy's PoV
I have an explanation!!
Also I'm so sorry I haven't updated

After Chaos got lectured by Lee about starting a shop called 'Trends' he decided to transport them to Camp-Half Blood.

They landed a few feet away from CHB.

"D.E.?" Luke asked.
"D.E." everyone else agreed.

"Dee? What's Dee?" Chaos was so confused, "Guys come onnn!! Tell meee!! Wait no-"

Luke smirked at Chaos.

Beckendorf nodded his head.

Percy did both.

"Noo! I hate them!"

"Oh please! What are you saying? You LOVE dramatic entrances Chaos!" Bianca said in a sinister tone.

After a little planning, they were ready to go!

Chaos changed his features to look like a 15 year old girl. He looked kinda like Thalia, minus the whole silver parka thing. He had short brown hair, orange eyes and a really sharp jawline.

They got him some ragged looking clothes, with the occasional splotch of blood.... everywhere-.

Bianca did Chaos' makeup. She's really good.

Time skip

"You ready?" Lee asked.

Chaos just glared at him.

Chaos' PoV

I hate them.

I look like a girl!!!

I don't mind that I look like a girl but they could've atleast gotten me some good clothes!!

Ugh I guess I'm going to have to do this....

"Go on...." Castor said as he fixed his robe.

"I hate all of you." I pulled a face.

"Yeah yeah we love you too now shoo!!" Silena whisper-yelled as she swatted me away like I was a fly.

Play the song

Gummy's PoV
Ah how I love Metal

Sweet Child O' Mine by Guns 'N' Roses started playing just as Shreya (AKA Chaos) started walking toward the barrier.

Chaos' head whipped around to see Bianca holding a phone, Spotify open, phone facing Chaos. When I say playing I mean BLASTING.

It was literally connected to some weird device Beckendorf built for Bianca since she LOVED listening to music and also because he kinda slept through her birthday and didn't do his part as her bestfriend.

"YESSSSSSS WOOOOOO GOO THIAAA-mph" "Shhh you're gonna expose us.." Luke said as he put his hand over Percy's mouth, muffling his words.

Percy retaliated, of course.

"Eewwwwww!!" Luke said as he retracted his hand. "He licked you didn't he?" Ethan said, trying not to laugh.

"Ahem." Chaos cleared his throat, getting the attention back to him.

If you thought Zeus was a drama queen....

"Yeah yeah now go on you big baby!" Zoë said, pushing Chaos towards the Camp border.

Bianca restarted the song when Chaos started walking towards the border.

When Chaos was in sight of the border patrol, the conch horn blew.

Chiron rushed to the border with a few other demigods, ready to fight any monster that might have been accompanying the half-blood.

"Help!! Help! Somebody help me please....." Chaos pleaded. Like I said, Drama Queen!

"Um guys.... Am I the only one hearing that?!" Leo exclaimed, referring to the music.

"No way! It's Sweet Child O' Mine!! Guns 'n' Roses? Anyone...? Y'all have zero taste!" Rachel huffed out.

Chaos couldn't take it anymore, he had crossed the border and Rachel had said something about Guns 'n' Roses; he broke character.

"Thysia will love you... Rachel Elizabeth Dare!" Chaos said looking to Percy to confirm it was Rachel.

"How do you know her name?" "Who's Thysia?" "He's not alone!!" When Clarisse yelled that out, everyone looked over to find a group of hooded figures.

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